Example sentences of "[be] similar to [det] " in BNC.

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1 The function of the Petit Meslier has thus been similar to that of the Petit Verdot in Bordeaux .
2 In some other countries , such as the southern African nations , the situation has been similar to that of some parts of Latin America , but there has been more freedom in recent months .
3 In some other countries , such as the southern African nations , the situation has been similar to that of some parts of Latin America , but there has been more freedom in recent months .
4 There is his Author 's Note to Victorious Troy to assure us that he has spoken with a boy whose experience had been similar to that of Dick Pomfret and that cases where dismasted sailing ships without officers had been brought to port by boys were not unknown , but we hardly need this assurance in order to believe that Dick , not unaided but with a responsibility beyond his years , did in fact bring the Hurrying Angel home in the end .
5 This was a messianic fervour that must have been similar to that possessed by the ancient zealots who died defending Masada against the Romans 2,000 years ago .
6 He claimed that the military significance of Porkkala for the USSR had been similar to that of Guantanamo for the United States .
7 For him Childebert I could be compared with the Old Testament monarch , Melchisedek — and doubtless , having come from Ravenna , Fortunatus 's image of Melchisedek would have been similar to that which was set up in San Vitale , where the patriarch provided an analogue to the emperor Justinian .
8 well look erm , my Lord the fact that , I , I think the answer would go like this , that , if the agent had sued the name then the defence would of been similar to that which is raised here , erm , but it would probably , it would of had additional elements because the name would have been enforcing through a , a , a slightly a slightly different
9 Equally , while the procedure which produced the Enham texts may have been similar to those responsible for some of Æthelstan 's codes and I Edmund , the promulgation of archiepiscopal admonitions as royal decrees is also reminiscent of those issued by Henry II after the synod of Dortmund in 1005 .
10 Large-scale replacement occurs where sediments are reactive ; it is common in evaporites ( where fabrics are similar to many metamorphic textures ) , carbonates , volcaniclastics and , to a lesser degree , greywackes .
11 The eyes of vertebrates and of squids are similar to each other , and to the camera .
12 Oil and gas systems are similar to each other , but oil requires a large storage tank and a reliable delivery service .
13 Nidri and Porto Heli are similar to each other .
14 Cultivation and sowing are similar to that of wheat and barley ; both spring- and autumn-sown crops are common .
15 The principles of this approach are similar to that of ‘ Case Assessment ’ and ‘ Care Management ’ and will operate in tandem .
16 These petals are not exactly comparable to those at Kingscote , but they are similar to that in one of the angles of the mosaic from VI , 3 , Cirencester , ( pI .
17 Treatment and control are similar to that described for H. contortus in sheep .
18 The life cycle and treatment of this hookworm of cats are similar to that of A. caninum in the dog but there is no evidence of transmammary infection .
19 The changes in parking behaviour in St John 's Wood are similar to those observed in the period after wheelclamping was introduced in central London in 1982 .
20 In this regard , the fieldworker 's experiences with the RUC are similar to those of other young female researchers , in that she was subject to sexual hustling , fraternizing , and paternalistic attitudes from male respondents ( see Easterday et al .
21 Police duties in Easton are similar to those in non-divided societies , and the manner in which these tasks are viewed and accomplished parallels that elsewhere .
22 It will be noted that , in general , the performance rhythms are similar to those of temperature and adrenalin ( see Chapters 1 and 4 ) .
23 ‘ My prerogatives ’ , he said with a touch of pride , ‘ are similar to those of the Queen of England . ’
24 It will therefore be seen that many of the issues involved here are similar to those raised by the law of involuntary manslaughter , save for the fact that driving offences constitute deviations from a code of conduct on which all persons are tested before they are granted driving-licences .
25 The legal problems are similar to those in the cases of mistake and deception : are all threats serious enough to justify regarding the crime as a rape , or should some threats be accommodated within a lesser offence ?
26 The principles for establishing lists of goals for fat reduction are similar to those for sugar reduction , namely , do the things that are easiest first ; use lots of small , easy steps ; spend about a week trying to behave according to that week 's goal ( and with all preceding ones being maintained ) before going on to add the next goal to your repertoire .
27 Some of these targets are similar to those identified in primary prevention , but the purpose of the intervention differs ; in secondary level work , the focus is on identified clients or their families , schools , doctors , employers , not on structures indirectly related to clients .
28 The evidence suggests that lone fathers are more likely to work than lone mothers ; indeed their working hours are similar to those of fathers in two parent families .
29 These views are similar to those of Heyer , Roberts and Williams ( 1981 ) who discuss rather broader issues of rural development .
30 Some of the details are similar to those found in St Agnes ' Convent .
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