Example sentences of "[be] working [adv] or " in BNC.

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1 Apart from looking after the home and having babies , she is still expected to do most of the manual work on the land as her husband may be working abroad or in Funchal or just resting .
2 Since she had been working more or less at full stretch before she 'd been given the extra work to do , there was only one way she could fit more work into her day , and that was by working late at the office , then going home with a bulging briefcase .
3 The cost of a new one of these could n't be offset by this contract you are working on or the next , come to that . ’
4 Building a collaborative learning environment is not about whether or how often children are working individually or in groups .
5 A BLIND eye is being turned to the number of children who are working illegally or are seriously underpaid , according to a report which is published today .
6 Returning to Queen 's , he asked for , and got , a few gigs in the students ' union — ‘ my very first one was as support act to Blackthorn ’ — and soon he was working once or twice a week round the local pubs and folk clubs .
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