Example sentences of "[be] due to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Improvements , according to the survey , are due to better treatment of wastes , the closure of industries and the impact of the NRA 's legal consent agreement with dischargers .
2 The Group says the results are due to better business strategies over the last three years , new models , better use of plant and good labour relations .
3 So , to the extent that changes in Y t are due to such changes in v t rather than will appear to be unaffected by expected income as we measure it , and therefore we shall obtain an estimate of α 1 which will tend to be less than the true value of α : 1 .
4 Whereas the aim of social advancement is to reduce individual inequalities but the social environment which produced them is left intact ( on the assumption that these inequalities are due to inadequate education effort on the part of individuals , the state or to inequality of ‘ education gifts ’ ) , the aim of the collective advancement is to give individual education and , at the same time , influence the social context in which the individuals live : an effort is made to involve as many persons as possible in the education campaign .
5 But most thanks are due to all those fellow hacks who provided ideas , anecdotes and scurrilous rumours for no greater reward than a kindly word and a half of best bitter .
6 For now , our thanks are due to all the members of the quality improvement teams , their leaders and all who assisted them in their goal of improving the quality of the way we conduct our business .
7 The launch week was a great success and thanks are due to all who participated .
8 It was agreed that thanks are due to all retiring Chaplains for their service , mutual help and fellowship .
9 Many thanks are due to all the members of the old team who have worked so hard for many years and given up so much of their time to represent the Society .
10 My thanks are due to all those , including volunteers , who have become engaged in this initiative .
11 Also thanks are due to all who floated their stamps off paper before handing them in , which was a tremendous help .
12 Sooty mould is caused by aphids , while split fruits are due to irregular watering
13 Without being overcomplicated or analytical , many of our sensitivities are due to early life and subsequent experience .
14 Contrary to the Jenkins and Sherman argument a group of academic economists ( Stoneman et al. 1981 ) , in a study published by the OECD , claimed that ‘ up to now there is no firm evidence that the current high levels of unemployment are due to technical progress ’ and that ‘ if account is taken of the offsetting effects that can be predicted , there will be little change in overall demand [ for skills and jobs ] ’ .
15 Three copies of the video are due to each of you , and I wonder if you could let me know what format and standard you would like these to be supplied in ?
16 — These are due to chemical substances that absorb some wavelengths of the incident light and reflect others .
17 Apologies are due to many whose published contributions to Variscan problems have , for lack of space , not been explicitly acknowledged , and to those quoted but possibly misinterpreted !
18 Though this danger is now realised , it is possible that the current models are also incomplete and that some errors in the correspondence between the model and the observed data are due to insufficient sophistication in the model .
19 The question whether these old marine terraces are due to differential uplift of the land or worldwide lowerings of sea level , is a highly controversial one .
20 In countries where the infant mortality is low , a large proportion of residual infant deaths are due to congenital anomalies ( defined as ‘ structural-morphological , functional and/or biochemical-molecular defects present at birth ’ ) .
21 In a stressful home environment , whether the difficulties are due to parental mental illness or family discord , it seems that a good relationship with one parent ( or both parents ) , characterised by a high level of warmth and the absence of severe criticism , is protective .
22 Congratulations are due to four couples who were married this year : , quality controlled to .
23 Indeed , according to a WHO estimate , in some Latin American countries , about one half of maternal deaths are due to illegal abortions .
24 For instance , to many researchers there does not seem to be a universal cause of depression : some depressions are due to lost love-objects ; some seem to be more constitutionally based .
25 Perhaps doctors should simply be encouraged to prescribe less ; after all , 3 per cent of admissions to acute wards are due to adverse drug reactions .
26 The elder and his dwindling following claim that misfortunes are the judgment of the outraged ancestors ; his opponents — led by those who covet his position — claim they are due to intolerable acts of malicious witchcraft , providing incontrovertible proof that their author is no longer fit to retain his exalted office .
27 More usually there is no organic basis to sexual difficulty and probably upward of three quarters of cases are due to psychogenic causes .
28 A small proportion of vaginal discharges are due to foreign bodies .
29 The city 's environmental problems are due to rapid urbanization , poor infrastructure and ineffective enforcement of regulations .
30 In North America , in areas where conditions are similar to this country , a survey showed that one per cent of houses were affected by damp , but rot was not found in any of these , and in the few years of experience here none of the faults so far reported are due to this cause .
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