Example sentences of "[be] itself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There is a good deal of evidence to show , however , that industrial capitalism places women on the periphery of the economy , and for women in a Third World country which is itself on the periphery of a world economy , the situation is even more difficult .
2 The nuts themselves are not nuts at all but seeds , arranged rather like the segments of an orange in a whole fruit ( properly a capsule ) that is itself about the size of an orange .
3 It also seems inescapable that , however much conscious experience depends on the orderly biochemical working of the body , consciousness is itself outside the ordinary material concepts of matter and energy .
4 In the meantime , the Lebanese parliament , whose members are meeting in Taif a year after their failure to elect a president led to the creation of rival Lebanese cabinets , is itself in the last stages of life .
5 One approach to the relationship between bureaucracy and class is to say that the bureaucratic stratum is itself in the process of becoming a class in almost every sense of the word , and the dominant class at that .
6 NEUE MITTE is in the centre of the town of Oberhausen ( population 225,000 ) , which is itself in the state of North Rhine Westphalia , the largest of the German states both in population ( 17.5 million ) and economic power , where it accounts for over a quarter of Germany 's gross national product .
7 There were also many more limited ventures such as Pearson 's Fresh Air Fund , established in 1896 by Arthur Pearson , the founder of The Daily Express , to provide country holidays for city children , and this was itself among the inspirations for the fresh air philosophies of Baden-Powell 's Boy Scouts launched in 1908 .
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