Example sentences of "[be] able to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's the fairest way of ensuring that those affected by each route are able to what the case for and against that route is . ’
2 What we did was we based our forecast , which I think Mr raised that point , we based our forecast on the admissions that we did at the Department of Social Security and I 'm glad to say that we have been significantly under that level and partly I think because er we 've had people who have genuinely diverted into home care and who 've been able to which is why we 've put the pressure on home care and on the occupational therapy services and partly because erm the , there were some inappropriate admissions I must say that .
3 The fifty thousand well I if they do they have n't been able to what what we intend to do .
4 One , one of the most common question of the last weeks are we yes last weeks Sunday visiting that I was involved with in my ward was from people who were perturbed , not about means testing because that is not the word that it was about , but about something that is on the same kind of sphere and that was about whether erm East Gates which decided to be their own managers would also be able to their own tenants and keep the ones that were less suitable away from the ones that knew that they were suitable .
5 wo n't be able to what ?
6 Well it 's bound to me , he must get fed up , but eh , he do n't really want a job like , full time , he wants to be able to he gets fed up of it being full time after a while .
7 Because otherwise you would n't be able to it 'd take three days to clear so that 's the best way to do it .
8 I said , he wo n't be able to she said I think he will .
9 But you should have I mean you should be able to I would have though in a year
10 well the the have a training roll and it may well be that the will be able to I mean I have n't spoken for example but they have taken over the functions of the old Manpower Services Commission training agency .
11 I du n no if I 'll be able to I du n no if I wan na tomorrow or not .
12 Well I er th well I could n't , I 'm not in a position to give the , the total because the national , the national treasurer would be able to you see ?
13 But as a as a member of his club you should be able to you should you should be able to bring power to bear on the er the top bod should n't you ?
14 Well you were supposed to be able to you know , be able to take command you know .
15 He would n't be able to you know , okay he 'd probably potter about on a restoration job but I mean that 's not
16 Right , so I mean obviously if there 's anything that comes up as you go along I 've got ta be able to you know you and I , I 'll just chat it through , but when it comes to things like er me talk to you , sales talk to you for instance about a comparative question , you would n't know what I was talking about would you ?
17 I wo n't be able to your lectures , cos
18 But the loyalty of those who left to their ‘ house ’ and their village was such that when they were able to they sent money home , and many eventually came back in person , to die where they were born .
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