Example sentences of "[be] plain for all " in BNC.

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1 The number of hotel-based leisure complexes that do not take into consideration the operation of a facility at the same time as its aesthetics are plain for all to see .
2 For God intended his word for ordinary people ; it is not to be regarded as the preserve of scholars ; the central truths of salvation are plain for all to see ; Scripture is ‘ useful for teaching the truth , rebuking error , correcting faults , and giving instruction for right living ’ ( 2 Tim .
3 The self-interest behind such measures and the harmful effects in Third World countries are plain for all to see .
4 God gave him up ( see Romans 1 ; 9–17 ) — let him be what he himself wanted , let him have his own way — so that in the end God 's power would be plain for all to see .
5 Now the truth is plain for all to see , including Esau .
6 The benefit to the children with special needs and also to the mainstream pupils is plain for all to see .
7 The impact of transnational practices in the global system at the level of immediate observation is plain for all to see .
8 The press had advance copies of the speech in which he was to defend Marshall , so that his climb-down was plain for all to see when he failed to deliver it .
9 It was plain for all to see that his father 's ultimatum had come as a shock to Jonna .
10 CHEATING wife Patricia Martin had no chance of hiding her secret affair from her husband … the resulting bulge was plain for all to see .
11 They called daemons and allied with Chaos and so their evil was plain for all to see .
12 The bitterness was plain for all to hear .
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