Example sentences of "[be] aimed at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Industry , strictly defined , can be regarded as having established itself only where production so exceeded local demand as to be aimed at a wider market , for a trade might flourish and yet remain no more than a subsidiary activity , like the leather trades of the Weald of Sussex .
2 It is usually possible for the teacher to type in a list of words so that the game can be aimed at a specific child , providing additional experience of words that may be giving difficulty .
3 According to Levi these " understandings " included the following : ( i ) Israel would not be obliged to accept the principle of " land for peace " ; ( ii ) the conference would have no power to make decisions and would not be used as a forum for appeal or discussion ; ( iii ) negotiations would be direct and without preconditions and would be aimed at a peace treaty ; ( iv ) the PLO would not be a partner to the process and the Palestinians would be represented by a joint delegation with Jordan ; ( v ) the UN observer at the conference would be silent and would be a personal representative of the UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar ; ( vi ) a representative of the European Communities ( EC ) would attend the opening session of the conference ; ( vii ) the USA would not allow a parallel conference to take place in the UN Security Council ; and ( viii ) the Soviet Union would renew full diplomatic ties with Israel before the start of a conference .
4 In other cases misconduct may not be aimed at a specific customer , but may impact on the integrity of the market as a whole .
5 But these protests should not be aimed at the Vice Chancellors .
6 Mr Burr said the rump of the shares on offer would be aimed at the 11,000 members of the club as Stock Exchange rules did not allow shares to be allotted to them directly .
7 The images of vision are of the same order as creative ideas , but the mind must be aimed at the horizon , and the thoughts must be concentrated in the emotion of creativity .
8 If , as the psychodynamic school believes , obesity is fundamentally a psychological problem , it follows that treatment should ideally be aimed at the mind rather than at the body , and that treatment aimed at the body will leave the underlying psychological problem unaltered or even aggravated , similar objections were and still are levelled against behavioural treatments which allegedly deal only with ‘ symptoms ’ , leaving the underlying problem to spring up anew .
9 EC funding was obtained for a new project , to start in 1991 , which will be aimed at the development of metallogenic/economic models and sets of exploration criteria suitable for gold exploration in western Europe from the analysis of multiple datasets ( including mineral occurrence , geological , geochemical , geophysical and remotely sensed datasets ) .
10 Concentration now had to be aimed at the means of transporting the aircraft from the field to the carrier in Glasgow .
11 Briefing courses may be aimed at the employee only or organisations may encourage the employee 's spouse to attend the briefing sessions .
12 Furthermore , this exercise should be aimed at the ‘ bright ’ pupils .
13 Chameleon chips will be aimed at the Transputer 's traditional telecommunications markets , along with more mainstream computer markets , multimedia workstations and portables , database and computing servers .
14 The thing will be aimed at the corporate and commercial transaction processing markets and will run SQL relational databases like Oracle and Ingres when it comes to market in 1994 or 1995 .
15 Chameleon chips will be aimed at the Transputer 's traditional telecommunications markets , along with more mainstream computer markets , multimedia workstations and portables , database and computing servers .
16 Moreover this device would not really be aimed at the crucial needs involved .
17 Whilst the pert , Californian sexuality of Baywatch bimbos seems to be aimed at the heart of adolescent lust , Schiffer possesses a vital ambiguity within her features and her poise which recreates her as a story waiting to be told , as opposed to a fantasy waiting to be fulfilled .
18 The problem drinker in our society can be defined as any person who experiences social , psychological or physical problems as a consequence of his or her own repeated drinking , and services should not only be aimed at the individuals themselves but also at family members who suffer as a result of someone else 's drinking .
19 The whole package appears to be aimed at the accomplished user as the beginner could have some difficulty .
20 It does , however , need much pre-planning and administration , which is probably the reason why competitions tend to be aimed at the national level , and involve high value prizes such as holidays and cars , so that consumer response is great enough to cover the costs of the promotion .
21 Ed : Chemistry in Britain , being aimed at a wider audience than the RSC 's primary and secondary publications , will continue to use the familiar ‘ sulphur ’ for the present , at least until general usage begins to reflect the change .
22 A further type of WB is set manually , the camcorder being aimed at a standard reference such as a white card or lens cap .
23 The flavour of the museum is particularly pertinent , while full of railway interest it is a family experience first and foremost rather than being aimed at a specialised section of the enthusiast market .
24 However it is not just the press that 's causing Parker difficulties — the company 's personal computer , mid-range and networking arms are all happy to explain how they are perfectly capable of running enterprise-wide applications , and the company 's most swingeing cuts are being aimed at the Enterprise Systems division .
25 Insofar as this affected the ECSC negotiations , it gave West Germany a far stronger hand and enabled its negotiators to resist some of the French demands , especially those which were aimed at a deconcentration and decartelisation of West Germany 's heavy industries , and to pursue more urgently its own point of view on the future of the Saar .
26 Both sides agreed that " progress " had been made in the talks , which were aimed at an agreement replacing the 1947 security treaty giving the USA full control over the Clark air base and Subic naval base and four smaller installations .
27 There were men out there , workmen driving animals and carrying torches whose beams were aimed at the ground .
28 If these benefits were aimed at the poor — the people who really need them — instead of at everybody , public spending and the taxes required to finance it could fall sharply .
29 Businessmen were further upset by a series of tax proposals , commonly known as the " soak the rich taxes " , which were aimed at the wealthy and large business corporations .
30 He accepted [ 1991 ] 3 W.L.R. 857 , 863B–C that neither section 6(2) nor section 61(1) gave power to order the payment of compensation for loss , and agreed , at p. 864A , that both section 6(2) and section 61(1) were aimed at the statutory rescission of unlawful transactions .
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