Example sentences of "[be] assumed [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If a person intends doing someone harm , it can not be assumed that s/he displays a disdain towards humanity , although it is clearly directed towards the particular intended victim .
2 In the discussion which follows it will be assumed that what is being referred to is a receiver appointed out of court .
3 He thought that if people such as the Iroquois of North America practised a particular type of agriculture it could be assumed that their institutions were the same as those of long dead prehistoric peoples who had a similar level of technology .
4 But if wives , as wives , are unable to generate a reasonable income for themselves and their children either from the state or from the labour market , then it has to be assumed that their husbands will ‘ keep ’ them .
5 Unless there is a statement to the contrary in our opinion , it can be assumed that we have formed the opinion that :
6 Fourteen trade cards issued by London undertakers during the period c.1680 to c.1760 survive , and as none indicate any other craft-affiliation it must be assumed that they were able to furnish from stock all that went to provide for a funeral .
7 How much of a threat this posed to those drapers who themselves furnished funerals is not recorded , but as none appear to have taken legal action , it can only be assumed that they too had dealings with these manufacturers whilst continuing to offer a funeral service to the general public .
8 These characters are highly experienced , and it may be assumed that they can equip themselves with pretty much anything they want ( subject to GM approval ) .
9 Kathleen Kenyon , the excavator , recognized two deposits , but since there were coins of the House of Theodosius in each , it can be assumed that they accumulated over a fairly short period , perhaps as rubbish from the nearby forum .
10 The Durotriges , with most probably the southern branch of the Dubunni , gave the Romans serious trouble , so it can be assumed that they may have supplied a strong detachment to help oppose the Medway crossing .
11 While we have charted the moves away from the more strident outpourings of the 1979 campaign , within the Conservatives ' law and order strategy over the last decade , it should not be assumed that they will not revert to this rhetoric if the need arises .
12 Whether they were poor because they were lame , or lame because they were poor , was perhaps a matter for sociologists , and a few years later , when their dwellings were swept away and replaced by council flats with rents much higher than they could afford , it must be assumed that they disappeared from the face of the earth .
13 In contrast , if different words are used , it will be assumed that they mean different things .
14 It ca n't be assumed that they will just learn and pick things up as they go along .
15 However , it is worth noting that this task of leading housegroups is one of the most difficult in the whole church and it should not be assumed that everyone will be able to do it .
16 In either event it would be assumed that everyone had perished .
17 It must not be assumed that everyone wishes to participate — ‘ active citizenship ’ ( to use one of the Conservative Party 's catchphrases ) is not for everyone .
18 It must not be assumed that everyone initially agrees about the implications .
19 The first question which an egoist might raise is why it should be assumed that I can not be aware from another 's viewpoint without being moved towards his goals .
20 For example , by the third sub-maxim of Manner ( " be brief " ) , wherever I avoid some simple expression in favour of some more complex paraphrase , it may be assumed that I do not do so wantonly , but because the details are somehow relevant to the present enterprise .
21 I was frequently called out of my classes to interpret for him , and it began to be assumed that he would never talk at all .
22 The policy of buying off the raiders may often have seemed sensible , and it should not be assumed that he was always criticised for it , even by those who provided the money .
23 If we do not receive your update instructions by the above data it will be assumed that you are no longer seeking acquisitions and the record will be deleted from our database .
24 Someone had thus moved the body , and it had to be assumed that it was the same person who had pushed her on to the plough .
25 If the retailers catalogue or other literature does not specifically state that a mains transformer is suitable for this parallel operation , it should be assumed that it is unsuitable for use in this manner .
26 It is sensible to treat all raw meat and poultry with extreme care as it must be assumed that it is likely to be contaminated by food poisoning germs .
27 Although the artefact may stand for a particular form of production , it can not be assumed that it will do so , or that the divisions which appear as significant from one perspective upon modern society will necessarily emerge as the major dimensions of differentiation in the object world .
28 ‘ While I respectfully agree that recommendations of a committee may not help much when there is a possibility that Parliament may have decided to do something different , where there is no such possibility , as where the draft Bill has been enacted without alteration , in my opinion it can safely be assumed that it was Parliament 's intention to do what the committee recommended and to achieve the object the committee had in mind .
29 If the same word is used in more than one place in a document , it will be assumed that it means the same thing each time it appears .
30 It should not be assumed that there will never be circumstances when , notwithstanding the new CGT rules , someone domiciled and resident in the UK should set up an offshore trust .
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