Example sentences of "[be] listening to [art] " in BNC.

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1 That would have made an impression at a literary party , but the old trout just replied , ‘ Silly boy , I do n't think you 've been listening to a word I said ! ’
2 ‘ I 've also been listening to a lot of Glenn Branca recently .
3 I had been listening to a lot of songs in very different styles , quite consciously , to try to get a little more inspiration for when we went into the studio .
4 He spun the radio tuner at random , to leave no evidence for prying eyes that he had been listening to a foreign station .
5 McDunn nods slowly , slightly , a distant look in his eyes like he 's not really nodding at what I 've just told him ; has n't been listening to a word I 've said , in fact .
6 One is left wondering whether it was a dream or one really had been listening to a man whose clothes and surroundings were obviously of little importance but who knew more Latin and Greek than one ever had , could quote the classics and poetry , would have one lost in the depths of philosophy , someone who was probably in a Gaelic world of his own and was translating into English for the benefit of his listener although the learning had largely been gathered in that language .
7 ’ Oh , Bill , you have n't been listening to a word I said ! ’
8 For some time Leonard had been listening to the music of the day , which he shared with his mother and sister .
9 George Underwood : ‘ It was all instigated by David really , because he had been listening to the World Service on the radio and suddenly got the bug to get involved in American Football , and he wrote to the American Embassy asking for more information .
10 You must have been listening to the B.B.C. or something . ’
11 Thiercelin , for instance , had no idea of the fact that they had been listening to the work of the greatest composer of the day .
12 ‘ He 's not your servant , miss , ’ said Zillah , who had been listening to the conversation .
13 And it gets in your hair and it gets in your clothes , she must have been listening to the television .
14 Obviously he had been listening to the battle .
15 ‘ You 've been listening to the hoodoo doctors , ’ he says .
16 In the pilot 's seat Bill has been listening to the conversation behind him .
17 She had n't really been listening to the talk last night , but there had been — what ?
18 The officer commanding the militia had been listening to the conversation between the two men with growing unease .
19 Has the right hon. and learned Gentleman not been listening to the chorus of demands from the CBI , from the trade unions and now also from a number of Conservative newspapers for an increase in capital allowances for manufacturing industry ?
20 He had n't been listening to the worried discussions behind him .
21 ‘ By the way , I 've just been listening to the news .
22 Loretta turned to find that Geoffrey Simmons had been listening to the conversation .
23 Ali had been listening to the discussion .
24 Erm I have n't actually been listening to the programme I was asleep I 've got to be honest .
25 Thank you Chairman erm I would like I know that you 've been listening to the first er part of our session this afternoon , erm and I 'd like to ask you to discuss with us one of the questions that we asked the group the Pension Fund erm and that 's to discuss the balance of power that exists between the employer and the various groups and classes of pensioner .
26 They 've all been listening to the trainer .
27 It was the Russians they 'd been listening to the whole lot .
28 A few moments later , acquitted defendant Daniel Winter , who 'd been listening to the closing speeches , ran from the building .
29 and Peter came in the morning , I never thought anything I 'd been listening to the radio , I heard there was a big accident on the road , a car accident
30 Surely not , because we feel that we are listening to a true story of a real person , and if we grant this , then feelings connected with relieving distress are more likely to arise in us than purely poetic emotions .
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