Example sentences of "[be] not [adj] until " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I could n't bring myself to throw the boots away and am not 31 until later this month .
2 While there are advantages in the use of a 5-channel ‘ helicopter ’ radio on collective pitch machines , these are not apparent until you have learned to fly .
3 As the cultural materialists concede , subversive thoughts are not subversive until they become a practice .
4 The most worrying aspect of all , for Corby , however , was that many parents felt they were kept in the dark about what was happening , so that while there were exceptions , and in some cases social workers had gone to great lengths to explain the system and the likely outcomes , in two cases the parents were not aware until later in the process that they and their children were the subjects of child abuse investigations .
5 It might have been oh so different had Northern Ireland capitalised on that early lead but instead they treated it like a hot potato and the two points were not safe until the Finish referee heralded it the Finish of the game .
6 Pomponius is quite clear that this amounts to a condition , and the consequence of that is that the legacy does not vest and transmission is not possible until the relevant age has been reached .
7 Among these are that a complete network may have only one start event and only one finish event ; that an event is not complete until all the activities leading to it are themselves complete ; and that a network must always move forwards in time .
8 The process of assessment , however , is not complete until the data collected has been summarized and formulated .
9 Append notation Naturally a classification scheme is not complete until the notation has been added .
10 This last exception leads to an absurdity whereby a contract ( say , to install new kitchen units for a cash price of £2,000 payable immediately on completion of the work ) which would otherwise be cancellable , will be excepted if it contains a term that £35 of the price is not payable until , say , six months after completion .
11 Though the single preparasitic moult occurs at about three weeks after the egg is passed , a period of maturation is necessary , and it is not infective until a minimum of four weeks after being passed , even in the optimal temperature range of 22-26oC .
12 The Profitboss is not satisfied until the customer is satisfied .
13 He 's not available until the third of
14 We applied to hire it but were told it was not available until refurbished and handed over to the community association .
15 The members of the court held that the cause of action was not complete until after the birth of the plaintiff when the damages were suffered .
16 The full assimilation of this population to the native English and the submergence of Anglo-Norman culture within English culture took several centuries to complete , while the political separation of English and French territory was not complete until the loss of Calais to the English crown in the mid-sixteenth century .
17 As Professor Duckham has pointed out , the combined mileage was not great until after 1790 ( up to then it was well under a thousand miles ) but in terms of strategic linking they were already beginning to turn the " golden key … to unlock the riches of the inland coalfields " .
18 ‘ We have had enquiries in the past about using our facilities , ’ said the spokesman , ‘ but that was not possible until these new machines were up and running .
19 She moved quickly to examine the long narrow table that had forms on either side , and although it looked clean enough she was not happy until she had washed it .
20 Six to eight men hauled the Durham wagon round the streets — they said it was easier to move than it looked , as once it was rolling it was not difficult until it had to be stopped !
21 It was still widely accepted that only major rulers ( kings and the republic of Venice ) could send and receive ambassadors ; and it was not clear until at least the later sixteenth century that the status of a diplomat depended on his position in this still embryonic hierarchy of ranks and not , irrespective of his title , on the standing of the ruler he represented .
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