Example sentences of "[be] of [art] greatest " in BNC.

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1 There now occurred something , that in retrospect , I believe to have been of the greatest significance to this journey .
2 Coming as it did from such a family — not only from Lazarus ' and Lyon 's own strenuous devotions to their faith , in which names are of the greatest significance , but also from that of Solomon Klinitsky-Klein , his maternal grandfather and his very similar tradition .
3 All are of the greatest interest , and any plated animal from the Cambrian is likely to be an important specimen .
4 When choosing or designing new buildings , simplicity and adaptability are of the greatest importance .
5 Root crops — mangolds , swedes , common turnips , rape , and kale — are of the greatest value in the winter feeding of cattle and sheep .
6 Bolton Report , 1971 ] : The government takes the view that the rationalization which the proposed merger would facilitate would increase the efficiency and productivity of the electrical engineering industries , and in particular the effectiveness of the export effort of the companies whose overseas sales are of the greatest importance to the Balance of Payments .
7 Furthermore , it raises yet again the economic and political implications which too frequently take second place to other matters but which are of the greatest importance for West Belfast .
8 It therefore lacks the precise single end point of studies of survival after infarction but for the patient who survives an acute coronary attack questions such as whether he will be able to return to work and earn his living , to lead an active family life and to enjoy his leisure pursuits are of the greatest importance .
9 The doctrine of precedent ensures that decisions of the Court of Appeal and House of Lords are of the greatest importance for lawyers and litigants alike .
10 These points are of the greatest importance in developing a social model for the study of linguistic change , and there is much more to say about relative degrees of network strength as they affect patterns of change : I shall , therefore , refer back frequently to these findings .
11 However , the effects of polysyllabic environments are of the greatest interest , both for the study of sound-change in progress and for historical exploration .
12 It is such non-local visits that raise the most serious problems of accessibility and are of the greatest importance to rural transport policy-makers ( Clark and Unwin 1981 ) .
13 I have no doubt that the wishes of a 16- or 17-year-old child or indeed of a younger child who is ‘ Gillick competent ’ are of the greatest importance both legally and clinically , but I do doubt whether Thorpe J. was right to conclude that W. was of sufficient understanding to make an informed decision .
14 Many of the matters which are discussed within this framework are of the greatest importance for social anthropology .
15 Structural and geochemical studies are of the greatest value in the Northern Highlands .
16 ‘ The freestanding stable wing , the coachmen and ostlers ’ accommodation , the skittle alley and cobbled yard can be of the greatest interest and yet are very vulnerable to the ubiquitous need , often enforced by the planning authorities , for adequate car parking space .
17 And the abiding memory of the eighties must be of the greatest achievement , the enormous increase in passenger traffic .
18 What will be of the greatest use in our attempts to improve economic growth and output ?
19 continuity , directness , good road surfaces , convenience and easy maintenance seeming to be of the greatest importance .
20 It is to these factors , rather than to artillery itself , that we should turn if we wish to see which arms were proving to be of the greatest significance in the war .
21 It is not a treasure that is locked in a bank vault or a glass case ; it is spread about where its influence can be of the greatest benefit among the schools of the West Riding .
22 We should recognise , too , that the ability to think in highly conventional terms may be of the greatest importance to a young scientist in his work .
23 But when questions of law do arise , their determination may be of the greatest importance because of the effect that will have on subsequent cases .
24 So far as I know , she never gave a coherent account to anybody of her recollections , and there is no reason why she should have done ; but just as any scrap of information about Shakespeare — from anybody , a servant , amanuensis , ostler , for instance — would be of the greatest interest , so a testimony from one so close as Miss Hinson would have been worth having .
25 The three volumes of The Dynasts , published in 1904 ( printed 1903 ) , 1906 and 1908 , were of the greatest importance to Hardy personally and to his career .
26 M. André Simon , Boulestin 's compatriot and contemporary , writing two years ago of Boulestin 's rule that all wines young or old , red or white must be served in a decanter , recorded that " he never liked the shape and colour of wine bottles standing on the table : they were of the greatest use , of course , but their right place was the cellar or pantry " .
27 You must have a good corset first , it 's of the greatest importance .
28 However , the emotion that is of the greatest importance from our point of view , in its effect on the domestic horse , is that of anxiety .
29 It is of the greatest importance for a potential buyer or tenant to assess the potential of a farm before committing himself to it .
30 But since the universities also have a central part to play in this determination , co-operation between Government and universities is of the greatest importance .
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