Example sentences of "[be] fill with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They thought it normal for tea to come out of the fridge or the oven in a tinfoil box with a peel-back lid , although they did remember for weeks afterwards Lucy 's occasional cordon-bleu phases , when the house had been filled with heart-warming smells , and different kinds of food had appeared out of saucepans on top of the oven , and other dishes inside it .
2 The triangular market place was tightly packed with such properties and much of the original space had been filled with permanent buildings where once only stalls had been allowed .
3 In Israel , however , a statement made during a ceremony at the Yad Vashem national shrine to Jewish victims of the Nazi holocaust declared : " We are filled with deep anxiety since it was a united Germany , under the Nazi rule , which brought upon the Jewish people the most horrendous tragedy of this generation . "
4 The larvae are unique in that hey are present in fresh faeces , are characteristically sluggish , and their intestinal cells are filled with dark brown food granules ( Fig. 21 ) .
5 Apart from a mettlesome Emilia in Gisella Pasino the smaller roles are filled with indifferent singers .
6 The glass vitrines are filled with small ornaments , and the two console tables have elephant-tooth tops .
7 If they are filled with progressive rubbish , they should demand from the headmaster and governors that they should return to traditional structured learning so that their children will have a fair chance .
8 When ripe these pear-shaped fungi are filled with dust-like spores which pour out of the small central opening at the slightest movement .
9 I have christened her the Blessed Dawg and her large brown eyes are filled with sorrowful compassion , her wrinkled forehead , which was bequeathed by her bloodhound ancestors , is the very epitome of worried concern .
10 It also possesses a circular wreath as one of its concentric bands , and the spandrels of the arrangement are filled with graceful acanthus sprays .
11 It is increasingly difficult to survive in the countryside and women 's daily lives are filled with devastating insecurity .
12 Crisp filo pastry slices are filled with bramley apple , sultanas , and black cherry with kirsch and must be served warm .
13 Morsels of luscious chocolate that seem shaped by a jeweller 's hand are filled with sumptuous extravagances .
14 Even with the country in recession , suburban papers are filled with wanted ads for waitresses , cleaners and cooks .
15 Like real scrubbing soaps , the small pores in the surface of the floor are filled with saponified oils so that , with regular use , a deep natural shine will develop .
16 The toy cupboards are filled with soft animals , books and amusements , and animals walk two by two into Noah 's Ark .
17 Enver Hoxha 's memoirs are filled with analogous examples .
18 That are filling with burning ashes .
19 In spite of the revival of interest in airships now they can be filled with cheap helium , they are still unattractive in most circles and it is no good quoting the figures for people killed in airship crashes against those killed every day on the roads and similar statistics , or the successful career of the R100 , although filled with hydrogen .
20 Removing the mender 's lead leaves gaps which have to be filled with new glass … aged and painted to closely match the original .
21 Note any gaps in the flower borders that can be filled with other plants next year .
22 If the English artist Mark Quinn can get his own head , cast in his own frozen blood , on display in the Saatchi Gallery in London ; if the Italian papers can be filled with agitated articles about whether ‘ a cardboard box covered in cloth , with bits of cardboard , bone glue , red pen , tempera and oil paint ’ , until recently exhibited at the Brera Academy in Milan , is or is not an authentic , therefore meaningful , work by the shamanesque German , Joseph Beuys ; if Duchamp 's own famous urinal of 1917 can grace the Palazzo Grassi in Venice as from this month , then surely there is room for those centuries-old objects of ancient devotion to be resurrected as the focus of the new cult .
23 Elated to be filled with hot cock , she tightened her vaginal muscles .
24 Thus these case roles could be filled with nonsensical objects such as ’ sincerity ’ or ’ steam ’ ; i.e. , one could say ’ steam collided with sincerity ’ .
25 Whereas London cabaret bills tend to be filled with straight stand-up acts , in provincial gigs you are more likely to be put on with local bands , cringe-worthy performance poets , or singer-songwriters wielding acoustic guitars .
26 A squat Nuremberg bowl for the centrepiece and eight or ten specimen glasses of the same ware to be filled with orange carnations and silver grasses , each guest 's place was to have a boutonnière to match and each finger bowl a floating full-blown orange carnation plus a few drops of orange flower water .
27 Museums and art galleries across the Midlands will soon be filled with obscure , bizarre and colourful collections of objects amassed by ordinary people .
28 Unused storage positions should be filled with dummy records , so that they can be recognized at once .
29 The dug-up space was later going to be filled with organic wastes and turned into a vegetable patch .
30 If it 's s something like that and they tell me the amount of furniture and if two thirds of the van will be filled with big stuff , and then they tell me there 'll be half a dozen boxes , I assume there 'll be at least four times that number of boxes , and if it 's still going to go on , we 'll do it .
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