Example sentences of "[be] nothing [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yet since his father 's death there had been nothing between him and his sister but companionship , affection , peace .
2 One day , while we were sitting around having some coffee with a few other actors , he suddenly said , ‘ Of course The Magnificent Seven would have been nothing without me . ’
3 There had been nothing about it on the television news since the day the car was found .
4 Perhaps Dorothy had been shielded too much , and again in her marriage she had been protected , so that there had been nothing in her life to prepare her for what was happening now .
5 ’ I could not have accessed it if there had been nothing in it ’ .
6 ‘ There 's been nothing like it since the Bible , ’ said an obviously excited spokesperson for the book 's publishers , Transworld .
7 There has been nothing like it in human history .
8 There had been nothing like it in the UK before .
9 ‘ The country 's split down the middle on this thing , you know , there 's been nothing like it since Munich .
10 There had been nothing like it since the heyday of Northcliffe in the early years of the century .
11 You know that I love you and am nothing without you .
12 It is puzzling when people say I write like this one and that one and all such different kinds of writers and so many of them , and it makes me feel I am nothing in myself . ’
13 ‘ You are nothing to me , nothing , ’ said Troy heartlessly .
14 I 'm not trying to spoil the romance of prospecting — far from it — but there is a Hollywood stereotype and nine out of ten goldpanners are nothing like it .
15 Socially they 're nothing without him .
16 You 're nothing to me .
17 And you 're nothing like him at all . ’
18 It put me in mind of the man I met there , and Ill tell you for free , you 're nothing like him .
19 They 're nothing like me . ’
20 No I do n't actually cos I 'm nothing like her .
21 ‘ They 'd be nothing without him … and the game would be nothing , either . ’
22 I consider the most likely candidate for forgery is therefore an unknown cylinder or an unknown acetate disc — in other words , a one-off , which would be difficult to compare with the genuine article , because there would be nothing with which to compare it .
23 There suddenly seemed to be nothing between them except the hatred flaring in Ursula 's eyes .
24 Patrick had once remarked that if Joe were to pack his bags and walk out , there would be nothing of him left behind , no hint , no trace .
25 At one point he talks of the extension over time of ‘ a personality ’ rather than of ‘ a person ’ , and might have said that , even if the general knew what he did as a boy , it could be nothing to him , no part of his adult conception of himself , and so not a matter for guilt or blame .
26 The Robemaker had only to exert his will ; he had already clawed his way into the minds of the two slaves with the axes ; it would be nothing to him now to whip their minds to his will .
27 The shock I got when I found you out again will be nothing to their reaction .
28 The knack , the trick : there turns out to be nothing to it .
29 ‘ I have no … merits yet ; and what I want to be would be nothing to you . ’
30 If all were clear , undilemmatic and utterly consistent for the members of a society , there would be nothing for them to argue about , and thereby nothing about which to deliberate .
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