Example sentences of "[be] possible [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Having been placed on to three lengths of webbing , six men would be required to lift the shell and put it into the case ; the webs were then cut , as it would not have been possible to withdraw them .
2 After detailed examination of the information fields , it was felt that it would be possible to categorise them by type as a basis for selecting areas for further study .
3 The components are of magnitudes 4.4 and 5.7 , and since the separation is almost 44 seconds of arc it should be possible to see them individually with × 20 binoculars , but I have never been able to do so with certainty .
4 Perhaps Mr Smith 's book and the reaction to it imply that accounts should not have been like this : that it should be possible to take them as a straightforward objective statement of performance .
5 Details remain to be resolved and I hope that it will be possible to resolve them quickly .
6 They are all accurately reproduced in my book , but , of course , it will not be possible to exhibit them all .
7 When questions , for example on morbidity , had been validated in the General Household Survey , it would be possible to include them in the Resource Allocation Survey .
8 It would of course be possible to give them to clarinets and bassoons ( let us hope that no one would wish to use an oboe for the top note of the chords — it would be terribly nasal and obtrusive here , on its bottom notes ) , but the low-placed clarinets would sound rather hollow and ‘ woody ’ for the rich effect we have in mind .
9 Would it not be possible to give them an annual grant to spend on projects they approve ?
10 Fosbrooke even believed that it might be possible to educate them without danger to the state .
11 They had evolved once , so it seemed that it must be possible to evolve them again .
12 A useful test of how effective your section headings are is that it should be possible to string them together into a paraphrase of what the essay says .
13 When these are identified , it should be possible to incorporate them directly into existing varieties , so avoiding the necessity of a lengthy breeding process .
14 On the other hand , with both unique and repetitive sequences , if they are known to map to a certain chromosome , it may be possible to locate them approximately using unbanded marker chromosomes to identify that chromosome .
15 They must be spatially sound , they must work and it must be possible to manufacture them .
16 Different recognisers have different areas of strength and weakness , so it may be possible to combine them into one system .
17 According to ICL , notebooks have two distinct uses : first , they are a user 's only or main machine — so , it must be possible to plug them into a local network , and they must have the functionality of a standard personal computer .
18 At internal angles between riser and tread , it wo n't be possible to prise them apart , so fill any slight gaps with a little wood adhesive and secure through the joint with a few nails .
19 He questioned whether it would be possible to prosecute them with any chance of success with the present rules of evidence and he would be against proceeding if it meant changing the way in which the courts worked .
20 Although an attempt was made to be representative in the choice of these films it is clear that if the effects observed are of any practical significance it should be possible to observe them on a more varied stimulus set .
21 It might be possible to book them just for a day .
22 During the period 1560 to 1640 , virtually all these conformist English Protestants shared a set of common doctrinal beliefs , but in terms both of liturgical preference and intensity of commitment it is possible to divide them into two broad and fluid categories : a mainstream Protestant majority which was relatively content with the hybrid character of the Elizabethan church ; and a minority , labelled ‘ Puritan ’ by their contemporaries , which aspired to bring about further reform of that church in the direction of continental Protestantism .
23 While each college is to a large extent sui generis it is possible to divide them into three main groups .
24 It is possible to put them out of balance tolerances and could lead to flutter and a very bad day .
25 Photographic shops can supply them , and , unlike telescopes , it is possible to test them at once .
26 The assembler does not directly offer these facilities , but it is possible to implement them by using other features of BBCBASIC(Z80) .
27 With these processes , our edge processes and the technique of conjugation , one can actually solve all four of our basic subproblems independently of the others and it is possible to do them in any order , although it is difficult to orient pieces that are not yet in their correct position .
28 Although it is possible to use them cynically , simply to try to improve a company 's environmental image , this is not an approach that I would recommend because pressure groups are very keen to identify these companies .
29 In fact it is possible to enjoy them most when one is aware of them least .
30 Associative and cognitive theories present two major examples of different approaches to the study of learning , and although they differ in very many respects it is possible to synthesise them in a way that offers guidance for teachers .
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