Example sentences of "[be] whether the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The issue will be whether the new government will have the courage to face the problems and introduce the harsh measures which will perhaps be required , at the price , it may be , of its own popularity .
2 The question will be whether the other necessary elements are present , viz. was such appropriation dishonest and was it done with the intention of permanently depriving the company of such property ?
3 Thereupon Malone exercised his right of direct access under the Convention , with the first question for the European Court being whether the administrative arrangements in Britain ( which restrict privacy ) were ‘ in accordance with law ’ .
4 Disappointingly for the authorities , Moscow and Leningrad voted for the ‘ renewed federation ’ by tiny majorities ; in Gorbachev 's own district in Moscow 375 voted against the proposition and 376 in favour , the only uncertainty being whether the General Secretary or his spouse had cast the decisive ballot .
5 One can therefore say that the courts retain the power to read statutes in the light of general principles , the only question being whether the particular court will be able to find or invent a general principle that will enable it to give a sensible effect to the statute .
6 Ruddock , however , differed from any of the cases which had gone before in the sense that the issue ‘ has usually been whether the admitted act or decision was justified on grounds of national security ’ .
7 The question which therefore arises is whether the Soviet Union is better at diffusing the benefits of foreign technology than of its own .
8 What the House wants to know is whether the international business community has confidence in the policies of the Labour party .
9 Another question is whether the criminal law ought not to be wider in its application to activities which carry some risk of causing death than in other spheres .
10 My only hesitation is whether the two middle bands are wide enough .
11 What is more difficult to establish is whether the first building was inhabited for a while , demolished just after the inhabitants moved out , immediately paved over , and a new building later constructed ; or whether the first building was inhabited for a while , abandoned by its inhabitants for many years , then collapsed through decay , was paved over later on , and then a second building constructed .
12 A major concern is whether the financial conditions of eligibility for representation are too restrictive .
13 The question is whether the congressional Democrats or the Republican administration should run the programme .
14 Can I say first of all that er I support the general approach which has been adopted by Yorkshire County Council and the the other local authorities in the Greater York area , on the way in which they 've formulated their proposals for the York greenbelt after a fairly long erm and exhausting process , the question to which I want to address my comments first of all is whether the new settlement is an appropriate and justified planning response , and what I would like to do if I may is look at some of the reasons that have been raised erm in objection to the new settlement as a strategy , erm these issues have been raised by Hambledon District , York City Council , the C P R E , Montague Evans , in their written submissions to the examination of the .
15 The main concern is whether the new government will flex its muscles and try to tackle the widening economic stagnation and mounting unemployment by abandoning the policy of the franc fort , while the opportunity exists to do so , and blame the outgoing socialist administration .
16 Now the first question to consider is whether the biblical writers intended their words to be taken as history or as myth .
17 A second question we can ask is whether the visual word-recognition system treats the uppercase , lowercase and handwritten version of a word as different ( which would happen if the system operated at a relatively concrete level ) .
18 The question therefore is whether the interim government is the Government of the Republic of Somalia .
19 A question which still greatly puzzles utilitarian thinkers , on which Sidgwick seems to have been the first to touch , is whether the utilitarian goal is the maximisation of total or of average welfare .
20 The question is whether the eleven member states could amend the existing legislation or whether they would have to adopt a parallel , but separate , legislation .
21 The question is whether The Sixteen , having revived this work , could breathe life into their performance .
22 But one issue that can be expected to divide the parties in the final weeks is whether the controversial Franklin dam in Tasmania should go ahead .
23 The question is whether the following provisions can have relevance to alter the above : 1 .
24 The test is whether the unwitting distributor ought to have known that the material would offend .
25 Clues about the timing of metasomatism beneath the Kaapvaal craton in southern Africa are provided by metasomatized peridotites brought to the surface as xenoliths in young ( 80–95-Myr-old ) group I kimberlites : the question that arises is whether the metasomatic alterations of the xenoliths are related to the host kimberlites themselves or to earlier igneous events such as the group II kimberlite eruptions ( 120–150Myr ) .
26 Among the foremost issued to be addressed is whether the current division of responsibility between the Department of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , each with other responsibilities , including in MAFF 's case , responsibility for producers , is the most appropriate way of devising and implementing a national food policy .
27 The SASPAC package may at some point become obsolete , and a more worrying prospect is whether the current 5-year licence under the CHEST deal will be renewed , and in what form .
28 What is not so obvious is whether the vast sums of money that have been spent by central government and the local authorities on housing over the years have had much effect on reducing housing inequalities .
29 The first question of interest is whether the various measures of risk are related to one another , this is initially addressed by calculating correlations between the four measures .
30 The question for the Government is whether the British financial markets , with their notoriously short-term horizons , are capable of handling long-term projects of this magnitude .
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