Example sentences of "[be] both [vb base] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 We 're both , yeah we 're both try and demand respect , we both try and help people with weakness as much as possible .
2 Thus there is a very wide range of intensities observed for electronic bands ; the weakest are those that are both spin and orbitally forbidden , the strongest both spin and orbitally allowed .
3 Marriage here would seem to have been both cause and effect of upward social mobility .
4 The Lappish diet is restricted to these basic foods and the result has been both anger and concern .
5 Getting property by threatening immediate force ( e.g. " your money or your life " ) may be both blackmail and robbery .
6 So things were both use and ornament .
7 The popularity of these programmes among the section police in Easton is both cause and effect of the evaluations they make of their work .
8 Violence is both cause and effect of this failure .
9 ‘ Just because this case is like it is , it 's essential that the government 's secret service is both judge and jury .
10 ’ God was both cause and cure of affliction .
11 It was from the caravan that he ran People Against Nuclear Power , with its acronym PANUP , the small organization of which he was both founder and president .
12 His warm hand sliding down to clasp hers was both comfort and torture .
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