Example sentences of "[be] work [adv] hard " in BNC.

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1 I always seem to get the wrong results even though I 'm working as hard as possible .
2 ‘ Well , considering I 'm working as hard as I am with all the stress involved , I think I 'm probably very fit . ’
3 But , fuck , I 'm putting so much work into it , I 'm working so hard .
4 You see even the the workshops , the railway workshops were working very hard you know , but they were only making make do and mend style .
5 I told you that you were working too hard .
6 ‘ He 's worked so hard at his game and he 's much more involved than when he first came over from France . ’
7 I felt that was a bit early , but all credit to him because he 's worked so hard .
8 ‘ They might have helped out with the work , but Robert has done much more — lent you his nurse for that pyometra and lent Ian to do my farm work — and he 's worked doubly hard himself .
9 And she 's working very hard I mean , wh yesterday she was here at six o'clock , so I was long home and Wendy rang from here and she was still here .
10 Profits are lower and earnings are lower than last year , but cash generation which we 've been working particularly hard on er for the past couple of years er and which we will be talking about further in a minute has come through extremely well er and we produced higher levels of cash this year than at any time in the company 's history .
11 You 've been working jolly hard , I know .
12 ‘ I know she 's been working very hard for you .
13 ‘ I 've been working very hard on it , ’ was all I managed to say .
14 You 've both been working very hard — two of the best in the Khedive 's service — and you have n't been able to find anything .
15 As you will see , from the enclosed programme for 1990/1991 , all our Trainers have again been working very hard , to provide you with Q.T. days which continue to be exciting , different and which reflect your requests and ideas .
16 ‘ Roman and I have been working so hard on this business fair , he 's promised to take me away with him when it 's over ! ’
17 ‘ And , if I have n't yet got around to getting a divorce , it 's … well , it 's just because I 've been working so hard , that 's all . ’
18 ‘ You have not explored the surrounding countryside , I know , because you have been working so hard .
19 But you 've been working too hard this past while .
20 ‘ Oh , I 'm so sorry , ’ she said , ‘ I 'm afraid I 've been working too hard . ’
21 He told me this morning that he thought the boy had been working too hard . ’
22 Perhaps he 's got worries he 's not sharing , or perhaps he 's simply been working too hard .
23 ‘ You 've probably been working too hard , ’ he said , giving her a penetrating stare .
24 Instead Silas said , ‘ I think you 've been working too hard .
25 I have not been working too hard — ’
26 ‘ You 've been working too hard , ’ he said , turning his attention to Loretta .
27 He 'd been working too hard in college , and even harder since he 'd been running the farm .
28 ‘ You have n't seen much of Cartagena — you 've been working too hard .
29 Maybe I 've been working too hard . ’
30 Then I just got involved and you realise the guys are working so hard , getting up so early .
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