Example sentences of "[be] find guilty [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Young motorists face a Government clampdown including having to display a special plate to show they 're new to driving and the possibility of having to pass a tough new test if they 're found guilty of serious traffic offences .
2 Defendants who are found guilty of any drug-selling offence may be stripped of all their assets , including any means of legitimate livelihood , on the presumption that all their wealth is the proceeds of crime .
3 However , it is important to bear in mind that while most people break some , if not many , of the laws of their society , few people are found guilty of criminal offences .
4 Furthermore , the typical penalties for those individuals and organisations who are found guilty of corporate crime do little to deter the would-be criminal .
5 Having said that , as the figures given above indicate , the younger age groups , the 14 to under 17 's followed closely by the 17 to under 21's , contain far higher proportions of people who are found guilty of , or cautioned for , criminal offences than do older age groups .
6 Furthermore , 12 per cent of males compared to 2 per cent of females are found guilty of , or cautioned for , criminal offences by the age of 17 .
7 Looking at five sets of data relating to different police areas , the author finds that the proportion of defendants given bail who are found guilty of offences committed while they were on bail is around 10 to 12 per cent. , rising to some 17 per cent .
8 Timbmet are Britain 's second importer of tropical timber — they argue that if any of the companies they buy from are found guilty of illegal logging , they 'll stop trading with them .
9 His team may be ordered to play behind closed doors if they are found guilty of failing to control their fans .
10 Still to come , 8 men are found guilty of one of Britain 's biggest ever drug trafficking operations , and rail unions warn they 're prepared to strike over this year 's pay claim .
11 And auditors are found guilty in court , censored by regulatory investigators , and have even had their practising licences suspended in certain US states .
12 Vigilantes are found guilty after death of man
13 He had first been found guilty of setting fire to an armoured personnel carrier commandeered by students and a car during the 19898 pro-democracy demonstrations in Beijing .
14 After he had been found guilty of homosexual offences and sentenced to two years ' imprisonment with hard labour , the press subjected Oscar Wilde to vicious attack .
15 ‘ Horatio Pugwash , you and your ruffianly companions having been found guilty of the abominable crime of smuggling , I sentence you to be taken from here to the Baddie 's Tower , and at dawn to Gallows Marsh , and there hanged by the neck .
16 Franco Boretti , a proud pet-owner from Sicily , was taken to court and given two fines amounting to the equivalent of 67p each after his dog had been found guilty of committing ‘ an obscene act in a public place ’ .
17 ‘ You 've been found guilty of a breathtaking fraud that cheated thousands of people .
18 Its preferred approach was more informative reporting of disciplinary and appeal committee hearings — until now it has only released details of the charges the accused has been found guilty of , and the final ruling .
19 The case of the chartered accountant who has just been found guilty of a serious reckless driving offence only came to the Institute 's attention by chance , when an Investigation Committee member heard about it on the radio .
20 Frederick Stebbing FCA of 30 Aldridge Rise , New Malden , Surrey having been found guilty of misconduct within the meaning of Bye-Law 76(a) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in the Crown Court on 24 July 1991 pleaded guilty to an offence of dealing in securities of a company as a prohibited person contrary to Section 1(2) of the Company Securities ( Insider Dealing ) Act 1985 was censured and ordered to pay £350 by way of costs .
21 Annachamy Ganesh Aiyer FCA of 9 Cardiff Road , Luton , Beds having been found guilty of misconduct within the meaning of Bye-law 76(a) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he at Luton between 8 January 1991 and 21 June 1991 passed clients ' monies through his firm 's office account was reprimanded , fined £750 and ordered to pay £500 by way of costs .
22 Krishna Kumar Rawal ACA of 74A High Street , Wanstead , London having been found guilty of misconduct within the meaning of Bye-law 76(a) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he at Ilford and Wanstead between 18 November 1987 and 1 April 1990 failed to account properly and promptly for monies held on behalf of a client and in that he at Wanstead between 18 November 1987 and 6 January 1992 failed to account properly and promptly to a client for interest received in respect of monies held on behalf of the said client and having been in breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he at Wanstead between 3 December 1991 and 18 June 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) was reprimanded , fined £1,000 , ordered to take advice from the Professional Referrals Service and to pay £1,000 by way of costs .
23 Michael William Beecheno ( ACA ) of 2 Tummons Gardens , South Norwood Hill , London having been found guilty of misconduct within the meaning of Bye-law 76(a) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that in London between 11 March 1991 and 14 March 1991 he improperly suggested that charges to his employers for temporary staff be increased and the additional sums be paid to him under the guise of consultancy fees was excluded from membership of the Institute and ordered to pay £500 by way of costs .
24 ( FCA ) of , having been found guilty of misconduct contrary to Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in Cardiff between 26 March 1991 and 4 February 1992 purported to exercise a lien over the papers of his former client when he was not entitled to do so and having been guilty of a breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( ii ) in that he in Cardiff between 22 May 1991 and 4 February 1992 failed to deal properly and promptly with professional enquiries from Chartered Accountants in respect of the affairs of his former client and having been found guilty of a breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in Cardiff between 17 December 1991 and 4 February 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee on 17 December 1991 in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) concerning the affairs of his former client was reprimanded , fined £750 and ordered to pay £l , 000 by way of costs .
25 ( FCA ) of , having been found guilty of misconduct contrary to Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in Cardiff between 26 March 1991 and 4 February 1992 purported to exercise a lien over the papers of his former client when he was not entitled to do so and having been guilty of a breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( ii ) in that he in Cardiff between 22 May 1991 and 4 February 1992 failed to deal properly and promptly with professional enquiries from Chartered Accountants in respect of the affairs of his former client and having been found guilty of a breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in Cardiff between 17 December 1991 and 4 February 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee on 17 December 1991 in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) concerning the affairs of his former client was reprimanded , fined £750 and ordered to pay £l , 000 by way of costs .
26 ( FCA ) of having been found guilty of misconduct within the meaning of Bye-law 76(a) and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in the Magistrates Court was convicted of eight offences of being knowingly concerned in the fraudulent evasion of Value Added Tax contrary to Section 39(1) of the Value Added Tax Act 1983 was excluded from membership of the Institute and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
27 Mark Braley , the former Coopers & Lybrand trainee who attempted to sell confidential BCCI documents while on secondment to the Serious Fraud Office , has been found guilty of conspiring to pervert the course of justice .
28 Had Waddell 's trial in Edinburgh not been the farce it was , had he been found guilty of the murder of Mrs Ross as he should have been and sentenced by Lord Robertson to life imprisonment , as he should have been , it would seem likely that Mrs Chipperfield would be alive today .
29 It was believed that Humphrey was a farm worker employed on the Normanby Park estate in the distant Past and that he had been found guilty of stealing from his employers .
30 Clinton 's second allegation , that there has been collusion between the security forces and Protestant para-military groups , is based on a very few isolated cases in which part-time members of the Ulster Defence Regiment ( UDR ) have been found guilty of passing on sensitive information .
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