Example sentences of "[be] so far [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that none are so far known in the vicinity of Jelling itself seems to support this idea .
2 Only 10,000 of the necessary terminals are so far installed in shops , though the target is 20,000 by the New Year and 100,000 by the end of next year .
3 The forces that we are dealing with are so far removed from what we regard as the material world that they will completely revolutionize physics and philosophy and bring about a profound change in humanity 's perception of reality .
4 These may all be worthy aims , but they are so far removed from the reality of most house officers ' experiences as to be laughable .
5 Certainly if they are so far changed as Gillespie suggests , I do n't have a problem with it .
6 There is the irony : that , just when British Empirical Socialism had come to terms with the idea of a mixed economy , when it had accepted that for the indefinite future a public sector and a private sector would co-exist , when the tangle of objections which the Webbs had seen to the development of a privately-owned industrial co-operative sector had been so far cleared away as to open the path to a natural growth of industrial democracy by a means which , because it reconciled the rights and interests of labour with those of ownership , would have been sustainable , the Labour Government ignored or overlooked the opportunity .
7 The role of specific acetyltransferase activity in Crohn 's disease patients has not been so far studied , and deserves investigation .
8 The debate about the depletion of the ozone layer has been so far hampered by a scarcity of data .
9 Such an interpretation of the concept of " sustainable use " of wildlife has been so far resisted by most CITES members [ see ED 56 for details of the last CITES meeting , and the debate surrounding these issues ] .
10 A comprehensive evaluation of the motility at different levels of the gastrointestinal tract in diabetic patients , however , has not been so far reported .
11 The clinical teachers tended to be so far removed from the key issues in healthcare that unless students performed allocated nursing ‘ tasks ’ in the standard way , they were viewed as ‘ poor ’ material .
12 In short , it is that it offers a way of by-passing ‘ the awkward corner ’ , Nearly twenty years ago Professor Joan Robinson observed that the predictable consequences of the attainment of near-full employment must , if institutions and attitudes did not accommodate themselves to the new circumstances , be so far to strengthen the power of the trade unions as to prompt a vicious spiral of wages and prices ; and that it would become chronic .
13 William could see the village where they lived and the smoke from the fires rising straight up into the air and the dark tower of the church rising above a cluster of stark trees , and because he was nervous he wanted to work his way in that direction , so it would not be so far to run , but because his father was beside him , smiling his reassuring smile , he did n't .
14 By institutionalising conflict , party politics provides the means by which the accumulated potential of passionate conviction may be so far discharged as to avoid its most damaging manifestations : where the resources available to the forces for and against change are evenly balanced , civil war ; where they are greater for those against change , repression ; and where they are greater for those for change , revolution .
15 Being so far advanced in this objective , even before the evening started , it must have come as a great surprise when the meeting was jolted into controversy by an unexpected suggestion from Councillor B. Watts .
16 In Germany just after the First World War , for example , working class organisations were so far removed from both the objective interests of the class and the concern of its members that they were incapable of seizing the revolutionary opportunities open to them .
17 ‘ The only way we can set about obtaining some is to raise the public profile of the case , which is so far limited to the bald facts of your husband 's murder . ’
18 Although supporting evidence from other departments is so far lacking , there is at least prima facie ground for saying that the intrusion of laymen into the bureaucracy brought about the conversion of offices into a form of life property .
19 The abscopal model seems to have the potential to fulfil these criteria , although evidence that it mimics the spontaneous healing and recurrence of human duodenal ulcer is so far lacking .
20 Genette 's discussion of Proust is so far reaching that his book can be regarded as much as a reading of A la recherche as a contribution to narrative theory , and to this extent it represents a challenge to the generic distinctions normally made in structuralist thinking between poetics and criticism .
21 At this stage it is so far extended as to receive a supply of sand from the original barchan even during the prevailing wind , X. Thus it will continue to grow both during the prevailing wind , X , and the strong wind , Y , with slip faces developed on the side away from the strong wind .
22 Although the government reported that the first four days of the war had cost Britain £100m in ammunition and equipment , the cost is so far proving light for Mr Average .
23 But , for the time to come , I hope we may double our diligence , if the war with France do not obstruct our endeavours … for time is so far spent , past our meridian , that the affair calls for diligence .
24 The loss of Wallace 's pace has allowed better marking of Deane who is so far doing a pretty good impression of a Donkey and also failing to score .
25 It is so far removed , not only from my normal run of experience , but from anything I have ever done that it seems beyond the realms of reality , a fantasy production , a dream come true .
26 Your implication that the high handed attitude of the LTA has contributed to the demise of junior tennis in this country is so far removed from the truth that I believe it bears some examination .
27 One of the difficulties is that the end state is so far removed from the average child that it is very difficult for them to see why they have to learn to read , but if they can realize that if they learn to read in those houses where they have it they 'll be able to read the Radio Times and know what the television programmes are , that at least is motivating .
28 One of the difficulties is that the end state is so far removed from the average child that it is very difficult for them to see why they have to learn to read , but if they can realize that if they learn to read in those houses where they have it they 'll be able to read the Radio Times and know what the television programmes are , that at least is motivating .
29 In between projects allowing such personal statements as this , of course , Jordan has also worked increasingly in Hollywood , where he 's so far seen High Spirits cut to shreds and We 're No Angels ignored .
30 She was so far gone she had got seriously stupid .
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