Example sentences of "[be] it possible for " in BNC.

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1 Were it possible for a further donation to be agreed at some point during 1993 , I should be most grateful .
2 I only mean to preface this discussion of cultural difference with an awkward question : in the world we have , is it possible for us — any of us — not to have at least some inferior others ?
3 How is it possible for someone to take my or anybody 's sin upon himself ?
4 How is it possible for Christ 's death to affect me ?
5 Is it possible for the inmates to make the visitors understand what life is like for them , without arousing the hostility of the Warden ?
6 The key to the underlying tension here is in the line : ‘ Is it possible for the inmates to make the visitors understand what life is like for them without arousing the hostility of the Warden ? ’
7 Is it possible for the Church of England to proclaim this redemption with integrity and conviction in our day unless it ordains women as well as men as priests ?
8 . Is it possible for you to give me a few more names — of some people who are working in that field ? ’
9 How is it possible for a computer to discover things ?
10 Nor is it possible for the sufferer to ‘ snap out of it ’ as is often suggested with varying degrees of tactfulness .
11 Is it possible for me to see the Queen now ? ’
12 Is it possible for a person to move smoothly through the first three levels of understanding and still leave out something essential ?
13 In other words , is it possible for a person to know his need , to know that if Christianity is true it provides an answer , to know on the basis of sufficient evidence that it is in fact true , and yet believe inadequately ?
14 Is it possible for us to hire a shepherd at Martinmas ? ’
15 How is it possible for a creature to form means — end plans for reaching a desired object , plans within which other objects are represented as instruments to the overall end ?
16 How is it possible for an external symbol , as well as one in the internal representational medium of the creature 's mind , to be employed by one animal and perceived by another as a request for a specific tool ?
17 How is it possible for a creature to perceive apparent movement , or to distinguish visually between replacement , motion , and change ?
18 One starts from the question of mind and behaviour and asks : ‘ How is it possible for a physical system , the brain , to produce this ? ’
19 Is it possible for some of us and perhaps representative 's of organisations or a group of us and I know I can talk to the board but I 'm not necessarily speaking for anybody else if I natter to you other than myself .
20 From these women 's descriptions of their days , it is clear that rarely , if ever , is it possible for them to make this distinction either .
21 Is it possible for feminists to be Christians , when Christ is a male figure ?
22 Not only is it possible for both men and women to have intercourse well into old age , but many of them do .
23 Er is it possible for me to get closer ?
24 Is it possible for people who are not native speakers of a particular language to be fully aware of its social dimensions ?
25 Is it possible for the net return to capital to rise ?
26 Listen , have you got to stay on at the track , or is it possible for you to leave and come back to the hotel ? ’
27 Is it possible for us to provide facilities , skills and help from the Atomic Energy Authority to help them with that difficult problem ?
28 Only if all new investment in the firm has to be financed from retained earnings is it possible for an increase in dividends to reduce net investment and thereby reduce the ability of the firm to deliver real income in the future .
29 If Deffenbacher is correct in his conclusion that effective arousal manipulations result in an impairment of memory , how is it possible for Heuer and Reisberg ( 1990 ) to conclude just the opposite , both from their experimental results and a review of previous research ?
30 Excuse me please , is it possible for you to speak a bit louder .
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