Example sentences of "[be] be referred to " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore we have a series of major landscape features , er which are been referred to in the greenbelt local plan and elsewhere as wedges , which you 'll see from the map enter into the very heart of the city itself .
2 In order to communicate , some agreement has to be reached by the participants as to what worlds , out of all possible ones , are being referred to .
3 I do n't think there is an overall meaning to be got by the symbolism of hands , though they are used many times to mean different things with many characters though in some cases what makes them symbolic is because it is hands that are being referred to and not another part of the anatomy .
4 I would like to present a petition standing my , in my name on the green order paper signed by two hundred and eight si signatures of parents of St Mary 's Fields s school , erm I move that this be be referred to the education committee for consideration .
5 Yes , is that 's what 's being referred to erm by the university work , because I think it 's
6 According to the Commission for Racial Equality , one similar instance a week is being referred to them .
7 Gandalf says as much at II , 99 , though he is laconic about it — ‘ I sat in a high place ( the great tree in Lothlórien ? ] , and I strove with the Dark Tower ’ — since Aragorn and the others he is addressing can have no idea what is being referred to .
8 What is important , however , is that when statistics on incidence and prevalence enter the public and professional domains we should be clear exactly what behaviour is being referred to and what is included in the operational definition of abuse .
9 Unschooled children , if the evidence does demonstrate that they are being less explicit , may in fact be taking it for granted that the questioner can see what is being referred to so that there is no apparent need to be explicit .
10 This ‘ new economic consensus ’ , as it is being referred to , is already preparing the ground for planned cuts in the economic development budget and the day the Making Belfast Work initiative comes to an end .
11 In this study an effort will be made to focus on North Shields in terms of the OPCS-defined urban area , but where this is not possible it will be made clear just what space is being referred to .
12 The contrary relation will therefore show up in a sentential context that specifies , or at least implies , that a single event is being referred to , such as I only met Mary once , and that was today/yesterday or ( somewhat less convincingly ) It was today/yesterday that I met Mary .
13 Submissions were made that a life prisoner whose case is being referred to the judges under the ‘ first ’ consultation procedure ought to be allowed to make representations to the judges with the object of limiting his tariff , and further that the material to be placed before the judges should also be available for examination by the prisoner .
14 A great deal of pleasure and interest is lost if the reader is not able to form mental pictures of what is being referred to , however fleetingly .
15 In the discussion which follows it will be assumed that what is being referred to is a receiver appointed out of court .
16 The writer of this essay should have noticed the possibility of an ambiguity or difficulty for the reader in tracing the reference back , and could have solved the problem by replacing the ambiguous word " this " with a phrase which makes clear who or what is being referred to , such as , perhaps " That Sir William should feel this is not surprising since he had been knighted . "
17 Thus it is sufficient to know the general location of the participants in order to interpret : ( 25 ) This city is really beautiful and to know the set of potential addressees in the situation in order to interpret : ( 26 ) You can all come with me if you like and to know when the interaction is taking place in order to know which calendar year is being referred to in ( 27 ) We ca n't afford a holiday this year We could formulate the distinction thus : gestural usages require a moment by moment physical monitoring of the speech event for their interpretation , while symbolic usages make reference only to contextual coordinates available to participants antecedent to the utterance .
18 The progressive form would be a more likely occurrence if an immediate moment is being referred to .
19 And is the operational order er the document that is being referred to be the plaintiff 's council .
20 They range I mean er the the er the er Prussian Austro-Prussian war of eighteen sixty six is is referred to as what the six weeks war and and erm the five , five weeks of that or or or whatever were were involved in peace negotiations .
21 Whether it was being referred to that week as The Tea Room , The Oasis or The Hole ( I liked that one too ) , it was always basically night inside , A Good Night Out ; not black as jeweller 's velvet exactly , except on a good night , but always when you stepped in off the street it was truly night inside , a night dark enough to dream in and on which to meet strangers , whatever the variations on where and when this particular night had fallen .
22 In Dar es Salaam and elsewhere during 1967 and 1968 , one occasionally heard mention of Mwafrika as if it still existed , only to discover that what was being referred to was actually Uhuru , the official daily paper of TANU , This confusion was understandable : the Mwafrika of 1965 bore no relation to what people remembered of the old one , but the pattern set by the earlier Mwafrika and Zuhra seems to have been continued after independence by Uhuru and Ngurumo .
23 While the Centre was not actually named , it was clear that it was Buklod that was being referred to .
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