Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] her husband " in BNC.

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1 When the time came for the machine which had been keeping her husband alive to be turned off , my friend faced the reality of his condition and let him go .
2 WIDOW Jean Courtenay tells today of the moment she confronted the woman with whom , for years , she had unwittingly been sharing her husband .
3 ‘ And where was Nicola when you were telling her husband all this ? ’ asked Dexter .
4 Nothing she says or does is persuading her husband to change .
5 When his wife arrives to sit quietly on the end of the bed I tell her I 've been working her husband very hard .
6 Mrs Wilks had been visiting her husband , who was spending the weekend at a Territorial Army camp in the Forest of Dean , where he was a civilian instructor .
7 He told the woman she was a witch and was holding her husband under a strange and evil power .
8 Although she was bleeding her husband studiously scorned her .
9 But Colonel Richardson came between Anna and the tandoori curry powder ; personable , kindly , inflexible Colonel Richardson , who had sat in her insufficiently tidy sitting-room in his beautiful old tweed jacket , and had said to her that she was harming her husband , the community and the Church .
10 She seems to have had amazing powers of recovery : from being at death 's door in mid-July , a month later she was giving her husband cause for concern about ‘ making herself cheap ’ in the free-and-easy atmosphere of Baden .
11 The French law which stipulates 25% of any estate be preserved for direct descendants was waived by his widow , who felt she was interpreting her husband 's wishes .
12 ‘ Well , if you must know , she told us that she was leaving her husband , that scum-thief husband , and running away with Crilly .
13 It is understood that Mrs Say had left a note with a neighbour saying she was leaving her husband .
14 From under his eyelashes he could see Mrs Morgan was watching her husband with a sort of furious compassion , and was careful not to catch her eye .
15 A woman she passed was telling her husband to put on his shirt or he would bum .
16 ‘ Sandy was divorcing her husband , Ed .
17 In fact she was following her husband 's wishes that those who had helped create a fortune should now inherit it .
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