Example sentences of "[be] [adv] early [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If ignored , stress not only contributes to physical disorders such as heart disease , high blood pressure , ulcers and asthma , it can also lead to a variety of mental illnesses of which insomnia , depression and irritability are just early symptoms .
2 Some may argue , as Wayne Shelford does , that these are still early days .
3 These are still early days in which , it might be argued , the professional choirs and vocal consorts in England are engaged in a quest to discover how much ‘ interpretation ’ the various early-music repertories actually require when a high level of accuracy in tuning and ensemble is guaranteed them .
4 A few ( mainly immature ) birds usually summer in Shetland , but as this party contains one or two individuals still in summer plumage , they are probably early arrivals — perhaps failed breeders — from the north .
5 There are also early signs that the increased cost of imports resulting from the devaluation of sterling last September is beginning to work through to the shops .
6 There can be little doubt that Barratt was not very pleased with this intrusion ; these were still early times ; the " dead-work " , development , building , and so on , had to be done .
7 They were both early members of the Microscopical Society .
8 These were very early days in Tanganyika 's modern development , and still only a tiny handful of Africans could read .
9 Well , it 's alarmingly early days , but Rollerskate Skinny have the potential and the passion to roll out the contrived barrel and give this side of the Atlantic the kind of kick up the arse it so desperately needs .
10 ESD has potential , manufacturing should recover and there is no reason to suppose Farnell should not be successful in Germany , although it is still early days .
11 Despite the dearth of big names , Warburton believes it is still early days and claims he is pleased with the interest shown so far .
12 It is worth mentioning , however , that one of the emerging conclusions of the Welsh Affairs Committee inquiry ( though it is still early days ) is that CPRW could and should have done more to alert the Welsh Office to departures from planning policy and should have created more of a public stink over such abuses .
13 ‘ We have had enquires , a great response considering it is still early days , ’ said a specialist calls agency .
14 Although it is still early days Mr Singleton is happy with his diversification .
15 As it is still early days , though , the problem may improve .
16 Mrs Kennedy said : ‘ It is still early days .
17 It is still early days for C&P 's programme and Arthur Thomas points out that it may be many years before some changes will be seen : ‘ For example , look at the way we view the building of plants .
18 It 's still early days for the initiative .
19 But it 's still early days .
20 ‘ At this stage it is too early ti give an accurate figure for the likely return to depositors , however I do believe that in due course it should be substantial .
21 He said : ‘ It is very early days at the moment .
22 ‘ It is very early days and a lot of people are not yet used to the new system , ’ said Mr Docherty .
23 ‘ It 's very early days — we only saw the first draft last month and it could be three years before it is implemented .
24 Er , but it is , it 's very , it 's very early days er , as we all know .
25 It was still early days but he stressed they were still committed to the scheme and had confidence in its future .
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