Example sentences of "[be] [adv] strong [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Russian women are tremendously strong and are used to finding inventive solutions to everyday problems .
2 These fears are especially strong where man himself might become directly involved .
3 Shoemaker asserts that Tunguska-like explosions should be a common fate of small bolides entering the terrestrial atmosphere , provided only that they are less strong than iron objects .
4 Sometimes these first impressions are so strong that they stubbornly linger and defy revision even when different signals are being transmitted by subsequent visual behaviours .
5 In some cases , preferences are relatively weak , so that two ordered results are produced ; in others , the preferences are so strong that a second result is not produced .
6 These colours are so strong that you have to thin quite a bit to gain softer tones .
7 These are so strong that , since they are usually sheltered from the rain , they can be used , after judicious refurbishment , year after year .
8 What really happens during the very early or late stages of the universe , when gravitational fields are so strong that quantum effects can not be ignored ?
9 and erm I just think that women are so strong and , and another thing that I find er that is very important , is perhaps there 's women here we should look at why there 's only one female prison in Scotland and about fourteen male lot and including young offenders institutions and er , I mean what is it we are as agenda er just less criminally minded , more controlled , more clever , what , you know we should be teaching men .
10 German influence in East Prussia had been so strong that over the years the southern strip of East Prussia , which was occupied by a large number of ethnic Poles , had become increasingly Germanised .
11 You 've always been so strong that you do n't know what it 's been like for me since mother died . ’
12 Another milestone was passed in 1989/90 with more than 200,000 candidates registering for one or more modules for that year ; indeed the growth in the number of candidates has been so strong that it is likely to pass 225,000 this year , a rise of more than 15% .
13 ‘ God , you 're so strong and masterful .
14 We took him to a Chinese restaurant where they serve those drinks in coconuts — they 're quite strong and he does n't really drink , but we made him have one anyway , and he quite enjoyed it .
15 The financial resources of Abbey National are exceptionally strong and our reserves have been built up over many years through a combination of prudence and innovation .
16 These tiles are exceptionally strong and durable , and blend in well in most surroundings .
17 Never had the commitment of those who wanted to stay been as strong as now .
18 ‘ I know that if Wyn had not been as strong as she has , then I would not be here today . ’
19 But the UN force in Namibia should have been up to handling the affair rather than turn the job over to the South Africans ; it would have been able to cope if it had been as strong as originally intended and deployed in good time with a decent plan in its knapsack .
20 She had always been as strong as the lioness Candy would insist on comparing her to .
21 and that new directives are as strong and effect effective as is possible .
22 We are as strong as Cornwall but they have the experience of having played in last season 's final , and I suppose they 'll be bringing their fair share of support .
23 Since temptations to inattentiveness , prejudice , wishful thinking , are as strong as moral temptations , there are times when ‘ Face facts ’ imposes itself as the most rigorous , the most unwelcome of imperatives .
24 While people recognized that ‘ unions are as strong as the members make them ’ little was done to ensure that shop stewards had authority from the work force .
25 We are as strong as they and a great deal wiser , ’ which , as Boswell points out , ‘ was an assault upon one of Lord Monboddo 's capital dogmas , and I was afraid there would have been a violent altercation in the very close , before we got into the house ’ .
26 The Cherry and Whites tried to pull themselves back into the game … they huffed and puffed but could n't blow the Scottish down … and defeat means the rugby world are wondering whether Gloucester are as strong as they were … club coach keith richardson knows the truth
27 If the dream were to become reality , France must be militarily strong and find an ally so that she need not face Germany alone .
28 Sometimes the action of a suppressor variable can be so strong that controlling for it can actually reverse the sign of the effect .
29 Her maternal instincts would be so strong that she would be unable to resist their calls for help and would soon approach them , pick them up individually in her mouth and place them in her bed .
30 Some can be so strong that regardless of the consequences they compel action .
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