Example sentences of "[be] [pers pn] sure that " in BNC.

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1 In a case like this it is often a matter of assessing quickly ‘ Am I sure that I can reach the field , or if I get more sink will I fail to get there ? ’
2 Mm okay , because I 'm doing it so much better am I sure that I 've got this right ?
3 And are you sure that you can get your bit done in time for him to continue ?
4 All that is required is simply to retard the ignition timing by 3 degrees ( are you sure that your ignition timing is spot on , anyway — try unleaded and if the engine does n't ‘ pink ’ , you 're OK , but have the ignition properly set at the next service ) .
5 Are you sure that 's her and not his daughter ? ’
6 Are you sure that he was totally compos mentis ?
7 Such cheating may take the form of coaching or practice , but it may also take the subtle form of the chemistry teacher who asked the GCE student , ‘ are you sure that is what you want ? ’ when she was asking for some particular potion to complete an experiment in a practical examination , or the American teacher on the same 1987 visit who pointed to a particular answer in a workbook and asked the student to ‘ check that out ’ .
8 Are you sure that Yankee sun has n't turned your head . ’
9 Are you sure that it is yours ?
10 In the first car he was stopped ten or more times for no reason at all and always asked the same questions : is this your car … are you sure that it 's your car … are you sure it is n't a stolen car , and then asked to produce his driving documents .
11 Are you sure that 's the real reason ?
12 Are you sure that is n't Transylvania ?
13 Are you sure that 's wise ? ’
14 are you sure that 's your mother ?
15 are you sure that 's your brother ?
16 are you sure that 's James Anderton there ?
17 ‘ Now , Anabelle , are you sure that is such a good idea ? ’
18 Are you sure that 's sensible ? ’
19 ‘ And are you sure that Harry Lawrence was not the target ? ’
20 3 Are you sure that the " chosen photographer 's working methods will be suitable for the job in hand ?
21 You say the lawmakers receive no pay , but are you sure that they never accept bribes ? ’
22 Are you sure that 's Trevor Magee ? ’ he said , the knot of muscles at the side of his jaw pulsing .
23 Are you sure that thing is dead ? ’ bleated Frye .
24 But then that other manic voice was saying to him : But are you sure that the real world exists anymore ?
25 Are you sure that there 's anything left out there beyond the Darkfall ?
26 Are you sure that God is omnipresent ? ’
27 Are you sure that this is for me , Joe ? ’
28 Are you sure that you want to ? ’
29 Are you sure , are you sure that none of you 've done this ?
30 " Are you sure that nothing has happened since the weekend ?
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