Example sentences of "[be] [adj] and make " in BNC.

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1 You can take a dialogue where all the sentences are complete and make all the deletions you can , still making it natural .
2 On a happy occasion such as a wedding , jokes and comic stories are welcome and make a particularly good ending for a speech .
3 Musically — forget it , but the spot effects are great and make up for the poor acoustic tones .
4 QUOTE FROM JAMES HUNT , from the Peterborough column in The Daily Telegraph : ‘ I like them because they are decorative and make a cheerful sound . ’
5 Alice had controlled her tears and her face was pale and stiff with the effort to be sensible and make arrangements .
6 the right to be fallible , ie to be wrong and make mistakes sometimes
7 In planning public expenditure it is better to be prudent and make a deliberately cautious assumption on the growth of future resources . ’
8 Thus the fee note should definitely exclude the supplier 's VAT registration number and not show any amount as VAT , ie the invoiced amounts should be VAT-inclusive and make no reference to VAT other than stating ‘ This is not a tax invoice ’ .
9 For example a need to be dominant and make decisions may deprive patients of practice which they require in order to deal with , for example , their problem of indecision , common in some mental illnesses .
10 ‘ Okay , blue-eyes , ’ I drawled , even though they were green , ‘ be difficult and make me twist the information from you until you scream for my kisses … ’
11 But when a building looks a problem to sell , some planning authorities show a dangerous tendency to try to be kind and make encouraging noises that parts of the grounds might be suitable for development .
12 She realized he was trying to lead the conversation away from her husband , to be kind and make up for his blunder .
13 But that 's the real world and we have to be positive and make it the best for them as it can be , with love , affection and trust . ’
14 Graphs are available and make the data easier to interpret .
15 People there feel that their local authorities are accountable and make decisions in the interests of the community and that the taxation system is based on the ability to pay .
16 Whereas greens and blues are cool and make flowers seem to recede , reds and yellows are warm colours that attract attention and stand forward from paler flowers .
17 Place the pool in position , check the edges are level and make any necessary adjustments to the hole , which should be a little wider than the shape
18 ‘ You are self-employed and make of it what you will , ’ says Lorna .
19 The temptation is to anthropomorphise their plight , to compare them with human beings in similar situations ( as Rollin does explicitly ) who would almost certainly be distressed at the opportunities that they were foregoing and make protest .
20 Chairman the last one first I fully accept the defence er request that er the telephone numbers , contact points and names for our three agent authorities are necessary and make
21 Please check that the pre-printed details are correct and make any necessary amendments .
22 Talk together about what kind of behaviour is illegal and make sure they know the consequences of becoming involved in crime .
23 Yeah , erm , I 've got erm , I missed out wings , cracked heels and mud fever there , then she put , I will give you a test over the weekend , your work is good , the work so far is good and make sure you understand it if there 's anything you do n't understand you just ask .
24 Also visit any resident who is incontinent and make them dry and comfortable .
25 Be steadfast and make a pledge to yourself that you will no longer compromise in any way .
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