Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] early " in BNC.

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1 Without being overcomplicated or analytical , many of our sensitivities are due to early life and subsequent experience .
2 Scotland 's only new acquisitions during the decade were twenty-one Class 318s , three-car versions of the Class 317 , to service the newly electrified Glasgow-Ayr/Largs routes , although 1989 also witnessed the first withdrawals proper ( apart from accident victims or asbestos units ) of the original Pressed Steel 1959 ‘ Blue Train' Class 303s , whose unrefurbished examples are due for early replacement by 100mph Class 321-type Class 320s .
3 Major oceans would form the most long-lasting boundaries defining the provinces , but even these were not permanent , and migrations may have been possible in early geological periods when the distribution of land and sea was different .
4 To be sure of having bulbs in flower at Christmas , it is advisable to buy specially prepared ones which have been temperature-treated for early flowering .
5 It is now well established that diabetics are prone to early atherosclerosis ( Epstein et al , 1965 Pirart , 1978 ; Kannel & McGee , 1979 ) which appears no different from that in non-diabetics ( Robertson & Strong , 1968 ) .
6 This may have been fine for early disposable e-mail , but as office systems of all kinds have developed into tools to create , store , retrieve and delete the only copy of more substantial record types , it is necessary to institute more organised retention methods .
7 This system was formalised in the year 802 , although it had been operational in early forms during the preceding years of his reign .
8 Vision may be normal in early life but deteriorate suddenly , first in one eye and later in the other .
9 In Crohn 's ileitis , the same authors found flow to be normal in early stage and reduced in late stage disease , and in both the colon and ileum reduced blood flow was associated with submucosal fibrosis and decreased vascularity .
10 The analysis of these data should be complete by early 1985 and will be followed by a further survey of key informants and the various development agencies in an attempt to identify the type of projects which might be promoted within the framework of an Integrated Rural Development programme .
11 The world tiger population is estimated at between 6,000-9,000 ; if poaching continues at the present rate the tiger will be extinct by early next century , according to expert predictions .
12 I 'm interested in early repeats , solos and free ascents and would particularly like to know if Harry Dover or Gilbert Ellis are still alive .
13 In addition , more people may be subject to early retirement .
14 Therefore both courses could have induced a response in some patients and the double transaminase peak could thus be indicative of early and late responders .
15 That 's more or less what it said in my book except erm they need to be shaded from early morning sun if there 's been a frost .
16 Monetary sources said work on setting up the EIF , which will have capital of two billion Ecu ( £1.4 billion ) and be funded by the EIB , the commission and private banks , was progressing well — although it is not expected to be operational before early next year .
17 The full Serials system will be operational from early in 1993 .
18 Primary ADP-induced aggregation requires fibrinogen ( Niewiarowski et al , 1971 ) , which appears to be involved in early transitory interactions between platelets ( Mustard et al , 1978 ) .
19 In making them available under the terms of an existing contract , we made it clear that we would be concerned about early delivery to Argentina . ’
20 Firmer proposals should be available by early autumn this year , and more information will be sent to centres at that time .
21 Public consultation draft ‘ will be available in early 1994 ’ .
22 The new integrated SVQs , probably at levels II and III , are expected to be available in early autumn 1992 .
23 But Leeds boss Doug Laughton , knowing that Lindner would not be available until early November because of the World Cup final , switched his attentions to Iro .
24 Tickets will be available from early July .
25 Sir David said the private sector would be invited to participate in the project , and that the first of two runways should be open in early 1997 .
26 The EFTA Ministerial Council met in Geneva on Dec. 10-11 , when it was agreed that a " diplomatic conference " would be necessary in early 1993 , with a target date of mid-1993 for the modified EEA to come into force .
27 Sow antirrhinums , calendulas , clarkias , cornflowers and nemesias to be ready for early summer displays next year .
28 It is extremely difficult to tame and its shyness , combined with its great ferocity when cornered , suggests that it would have been troublesome for early man to domesticate .
29 One week holidays are available in early and late season .
30 New arrivals are welcomed each week by the old hands , since most stay for two week holidays , though one week holidays are available in early and late season .
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