Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [det] sort " in BNC.

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31 His brain , never an overactive organ even on those rare moments when it was n't pickled in alcohol , grappled with the fact that he appeared to be in some sort of tent before triumphantly reaching the conclusion that he was at a party .
32 ‘ We appear to be in some sort of glass box , ’ said the Thing .
33 Even if we are assured that the creatures in question are not in any pain , some people will prolong the argument either by insisting that they must be in some sort of distress , or by claiming that even if they are not overtly suffering , what is happening to them is cruel and unwarranted exploitation .
34 Obviously it 's got to be in some sort of order ; composition comes into it just as much as taking a photograph . ’
35 Obviously it 's got to be in some sort of order ; composition comes into it just as much as taking a photograph . ’
36 They must be on some sort of a one of the meters or somebody 's meter or somewhere .
37 Besides , everyone who matters has already been to some sort of bash at the Natural History Museum ; this is new .
38 Wherever it is thought important to claim that things of a certain sort are good , being of that sort can not be what ‘ good ’ means ( what the property good is ) .
39 Until about five years ago most boats in general club use were of this sort .
40 In both these shows , there 's an odd sense of being in some sort of parallel universe : it all looks the same , but the power structure has been weirdly distorted .
41 I 'm not knocking Keith for that , I think it 's mega , but I do n't see myself being in any sort of league like that . ’
42 It was as though she were in some sort of a trance , a pallid undertone to the sun-dark skin , the nostrils of that straight nose slightly flared ; even the jaw seemed to have lost some of its determined thrust .
43 I mean he 's been known to do that because he you know what is going to happen with him commercially in his newspapers and he 's actually very clever and I mean none of us I mean okay and I think Peter might be the but I can get quite upset or intense or distressed or whatever the word is about that sort of stuff , because I am my background is journalism and I 'm quite pure about it , but we 're living in reality times here and the reality times is that he has got certain agendas .
44 Well , my , my memory right , you go down into , into like a , the ground floor and the top of the , like the bottom of the next floor is about that sort of height , but there is a wall up there sort of thing , which erm , I , I must , which you could probably get on .
45 Ca n't say I agree with all their figures … good as he is I do n't think kelly is worth that sort of money at such an early age … certainly should n't be more than dorigo .
46 None of them is worth this sort of money .
47 The only way around this is through some sort of arrangement with the TNCs .
48 Indeed , it is through this sort of process that public law comes to be seen as concerned with ‘ the order of things ’ .
49 The other rib , of beef I mean , to get a piece that 's worth cooking cos to carve it and everything else you need at least three ribs and the ribs are sort of usually it 's about that sort of size
50 Erm it 's also the case that , particularly when abuse is of this sort of y'know like I was just describing y'know stroking , caressing , all that kind of things um it a lot of erm in some cases very confused feelings on the part of the people who 've been abused .
51 He bought the girls a bloody great not , well it 's like that sort of thing but it 's a big one .
52 There 's like this sort of disease , but no one mentions it ; everyone behaves as though it 's normal , y' know inevitable that there 's vandalism an , violence an , houses burnt out an' wrecked by the people they were built for .
53 Yeah it 's like some sort of erm okay .
54 ‘ It 's like some sort of c … code , ’ said Richard , 39 — , ’
55 She 's in that sort of mold .
56 He thinks he 's on some sort of blacklist because he was in the International Brigade . ’
57 If the DUP 's criticisms of ‘ gangsterism ’ have made it unpopular with some sections of the working-class Protestant population , its view on the sabbath and alcohol consumption have further widened the divisions and it is to this sort of issue which I now want to turn .
58 ‘ The chief agent was awoken at six in the morning ; he had to ask John Wakeham , you know how good John is at this sort of thing , to quit his room at Topps Hotel ( he wo n't stay in the Grand for all the tea in China and who shall blame him ? ) and pop down to Kemp Town and arrange bail .
59 This as far as we know which is reproduced from the original , was for some sort of a fender .
60 It was against this sort of thing — the view that chapel attendance was nothing more than an opportunity to sit , to listen and , in part , to worship the preacher — that many Nonconformists reacted .
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