Example sentences of "[be] [adj] thing [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It might have been that thing that er that bloke puts in them .
2 And that 's been another thing that 's been worrying me over the weekend .
3 It must be awful thing and of course you tend if , if you have n't got it to tend to think for god sake , you know it 's a , it 's a nice day
4 Okay so we 'll let U be this thing that 's raised to a power .
5 Someone who thought there must be one thing that makes the difference might say it was an impression of familiarity .
6 Well perhaps in the future that it might be one thing that you might want to lift up and develop as time goes on well done mate .
7 It would be one thing if all pork went up in price , but if European producers still use old methods , they will undercut farmers here .
8 Let me put this to Geoffrey Hoskin , Professor Hoskin we 've heard of a people ruled by Tsars and then by , is there going to be any thing but anarchy now ?
9 I 'd been expecting her to put up a stiff rearguard action , protesting that holidays were one thing and everyday life another , that she had only surrendered to me in a moment of weakness which she would regret for the rest of her life , and so on and so forth .
10 and then that chap that used to come a bit , he says not to take er what is that thing that you use ?
11 It 's another thing that makes me wonder if the crazed geniuses who developed the first Intelloids were n't perpetrating some subtly painful joke on the human race .
12 Er and similarly the syntax of languages are often said to be oppressive of women , a lot of the way that language is structured and a lot of the words that you get in a language , that 's another thing that 's said .
13 Erm that 's another thing that would may have persuaded me not to talk you into er self employed except you were already experiencing that I guess were you in timeshare ?
14 Well that 's er that 's another thing that 's happened within the British Steel 's er scheme , the Chairman seems to be elected in himself or by the company , it 's certainly not e elected by the Trustee Board and er a and we would like to see
15 That 's another thing that should be looked at because
16 So er you know that 's another thing that we hacked .
17 So erm and here 's another thing as well , she says erm I said why do n't you pack this job in like ?
18 What it is , is this thing that follows , is that any changes you make , any modifications are likely sources of problems .
19 But there is this thing that all of the forms are in the intellect and all of the forms ah are in the intellect and all of the forms do somehow weave together into some sort of unitary thing .
20 There is another thing that I would like to ask .
21 Which is another thing that you you know it makes life easy .
22 I 've just had a a quick word with Maureen , this is another thing that 's come up .
23 Particularly in the streets that have undergone a great deal of change since the war , like the street where I live myself , which is another thing that prompted me to , to go into the research in the first place , which is erm a house of small Victorian erm I believe the estate agents call them artisans ' cottages , and this kind of area which , there 's a great deal of this sort of property in Brighton , has undergone enormous changes since the war from being multi-occupied before the war , with one family on each floor , were regarded immediately after the war as slums and were scheduled for demolition , but they 've been a great lease of life all over the country , this sort of property , and been subjected to a process which has come to be known as gentrification , which has meant that when the middle class could n't afford to , to buy semi-detached in suburbs they took to buying this kind of smaller property in town centres , thereby introducing a whole new element into streets that had never seen these , this kind of things done to houses before .
24 I mean , sight reading is another thing and not everyone is good at that , but it helps if you are .
25 Yes , we bought it , and there 's this thing that says Big Bess let's rip
26 Well there , well there is such thing as tidying up .
27 And if there is one thing that West London hotels particularly enjoy , it is making a fuss of Joe Jackson .
28 If there is one thing that Japanese managers respond to , it is this sort of pressure .
29 A good golf course is one thing that will bring visitors to Henley in larger numbers , and increase the demand for residential sites in the neighbourhood .
30 If there is one thing that sprinters really like , it is hot sunshine !
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