Example sentences of "[be] [verb] pay for " in BNC.

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1 Under the Institute 's standards , for example , training organisations are expected to pay for the students ' first examination attempt .
2 It is the price you are expected to pay for a varied and entertaining job with an above average wage .
3 sole practitioners are expected to pay for the dishonesty of partners through their contributions to the Indemnity Fund ;
4 Since 1987–88 , the state has , for the first time , been responsible for providing stationery and textbooks , which previously parents had been expected to pay for .
5 Last year , a passive solar collector on a house would have been expected to pay for itself in 12 to 15 years .
6 Many health authorities have been refusing to pay for treatment , arguing that divers should take out decompression insurance .
7 Prior Robert might not have been very greatly grieved if Tutilo had been made to pay for his outrageous offence with his skin , but Prior Robert had been at dinner with the abbot and several other witnesses that night , and in any case could hardly be imagined as lurking in wet woods to strike down the delinquent with his own elegant hands .
8 And now he had been made to pay for what he had done .
9 How many welfare benefits have been cut and how many freezes have been imposed to pay for taxation cuts ?
10 As we show on page 10 , brewers are refusing to pay for urgent repairs to their tenanted pubs which they have earmarked for conversion to leases because new leaseholders will have to carry that burden when they take over .
11 Often they 're made to pay for their release and so must steal to get this money , ’ said Mr Santos .
12 ‘ He 'd better earn his £200,000 , this new guy — sounds like we 're going to pay for it . ’
13 ‘ You 're going to pay for that , you son-of-a-bitch , ’ the man hissed through clenched teeth as he wiped the blood from his cheek with the back of his hand .
14 " And look here , man , how d' you think you 're going to pay for it ?
15 So on the second stage of the refurbishment they 're going to pay for the lot ?
16 Erm they 're going to pay for everything , they 're going to build it , they 're going to submit planning application , they 're gon na do everything .
17 ‘ Jeff told me you promised your parents that you 'd treat them to a holiday this autumn in celebration of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary — but that now you 're starting to worry about how you 're going to pay for it .
18 Well it depends how much you 're going to pay for your furniture does n't it really ?
19 I do think it is scandalous thing neglecting your educational system and you 're going to pay for this for a hundred years , because riches just come by learning , that 's all .
20 That 's all it comes by is human learning , and you 're neglecting that , you say , that is you are n't developing a learning society and you 're going to pay for this and pay for this and pay for this , you see , and your children will pay for it , your grandchildren will pay for it , you see , just what you 're doing to the educational system , what you 're doing to the universities and you 're so far behind from what erm most other modern countries are .
21 You 're getting paid for this are you ?
22 These are the things that they 're having to pay for it with , and the reason being , is the Social Services in this county were a diabolically low level , and people were definitely suffering from it .
23 Note that cheques and credit cards , although they are used to pay for goods directly , do not themselves count as money .
24 If taxes are needed to pay for government spending , why do we need government spending in the first place ?
25 BR says the increases — ranging from three to nearly nine percent — are needed to pay for service improvements .
26 I can recall , back in the early ‘ 80s , serious difficulty encountered in the Castle Brand Pension Fund which , when the Company closed , was found to be in serious deficit , as part of that fund had been used to pay for earlier redundancies in that Company .
27 Now some of the money raised from its sale has been used to pay for a new art Gallery .
28 But the very thoroughness with which British industry had been converted to war work , the degree to which overseas investment had been sold to pay for the war effort , and the war-weariness accumulated over six years of privation created a twin dilemma : public expectations of a better post-war world had increased in reverse proportion to the capacity of the British economy to finance it .
29 They are to help pay for something you need but can not afford at the time you need it .
30 Crisis loans are to help pay for things needed urgently because of an emergency or disaster .
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