Example sentences of "[modal v] have be difficult " in BNC.

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1 For a man with many God-fearing years with the Wee Wee Frees , the decision to leave must have been difficult .
2 This was essentially a room for transacting business , though if Fournier 's picture is reliable , the Emperor seems to have sat at an inconvenient height at his desk in a small chair , covered in green plush , so low that once seated in it , writing must have been difficult .
3 All the cooking would be done by slaves , and the kitchens must have been difficult to keep clean and mice and cockroaches a familiar sight .
4 It must have been difficult for the teachers to organize things even before the arrival of the evacuees , who had problems of their own , of course , adjusting to a major change in lifestyle .
5 So , the Pioneers must have been wrong : and to pronounce that judgment upon heroic founding fathers must have been difficult .
6 It must have been difficult to make it so small .
7 Twenty-nine volumes , 5¾ X 3¾ ins. , whose small print must have been difficult to read by lamp or candle light , have survived and if these are typical of the whole library one might be forgiven , in 1984 , for not being surprised by the short life of the Society .
8 What type of food did you buy , because it must have been difficult stretching your money out ?
9 ‘ It must have been difficult for you , hiding Egan when Place was living with his sister . ’
10 It must have been difficult for you . ’
11 And the , as I say , it must have been difficult to go through a day , between nineteen thirty-nine , and nineteen forty-five without hearing the National Anthem somewhere , somehow .
12 ‘ I guess it must have been difficult for — for Suzanna to understand .
13 It might have been difficult to prove that librarians themselves took the initiative for the censorship , although many would have been pleased to make that claim .
14 It might have been difficult for the headmaster of our school to believe that we were late because of a derailment , but fortunately a teacher of theology at the school , Don Cavalli , travelled on the tram every day , and he was able to explain what had happened , giving us a cast-iron alibi .
15 It could have been difficult .
16 That it may have been difficult for members to attend area sessions , should not rule out the possibility of encouraging collaboration among groups of local boards .
17 It is true that the early coastal attacks may have been difficult to counter because of uncertainty about where they would occur , and that interception at sea depended on the availability of reliable intelligence .
18 A short time ago , it would have been difficult to imagine that the Conservative Party in Parliament would be in open revolt against bishops of the Church of England .
19 After several months of working full eight-hour shifts , the constables frequently forgot that an outsider was present , or no longer cared , and the fieldworker experienced moments when it would have been difficult to maintain a front .
20 We were sad because he could not come to my room and I could not go to his home , where it would have been difficult to explain our relationship .
21 It would have been difficult to estimate the extent of this use of cassettes even if the events had not been so emotionally charged .
22 If the scheme had not been available Renshaw says that she would have considered giving up work , which would have been difficult , or considered some other form of childcare , but it was never really necessary to consider the alternatives because of the availability of the career break scheme .
23 I am suggesting that within the one is the other — in some respects a Chinese Box would have provided a better diagram than a polarisation continuum , although it would have been difficult to decide which box should be on the outside .
24 But this would have been difficult because of the problem of creating the ideal pre-birth environment .
25 ( This would have been difficult as Simon was not dead . )
26 Casting into the gap between the willows would have been difficult but I would have taken a bigger net of fish , with a couple of sizeable ones maybe , for I could have hauled each fish out of the swim immediately it was hooked and kept disturbance down to a minimum .
27 Certainly this method of drawing has not been seen at a later date , and it would have been difficult to produce this quality and style of work in quantity .
28 It would have been difficult not to qualify for the semi-final , as sixteen were to go through !
29 Still , he enjoyed the chairmanship and gets very cross if anyone suggests that it would have been difficult for anyone to have thrown away a Tory victory in post-Falklands Britain with a Labour Party led by Michael Foot .
30 So many players seemed to have nothing to do with the nations they were representing that asking them to picture their country would have been difficult enough , let alone vow anything to it .
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