Example sentences of "[modal v] not [be] affected " in BNC.

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1 The regularity of your periods should not be affected , but some bleeding may occur after the fitting or between periods , especially at first .
2 It should not be affected by recession .
3 If the aim of the rules of the road is to protect safety , and if the driver broke those rules in a way which may be labelled ‘ reckless ’ , then the risk has been taken and the sentence should not be affected significantly by the materialization or non-materialization of the risk .
4 The Ramallah Congress delegation argued ‘ it should first be decided to allow the refugees to return , and once that is decided their actual return should not be affected by the discussion on the border question …
5 The sex hormones which give a woman her femininity , and control ovulation and the menstrual cycle should not be affected .
6 This conclusion should not be affected by any view we take about whether the use of memory constitutes a re-examination of the original sensation or a mere inspection of how that sensation now seems to us to have been .
7 But the total flux should not be affected because it is still related to the applied voltage by eqn ( 4.66 ) .
8 Thus output might be altered by a technological breakthrough , or by changes in the structure of taxation which affected the choice between work and leisure , or by changes in other real variables , but should not be affected by a change in nominal spending : such changes should affect the price at which the available output is sold and not the quantity of output itself .
9 A guardian 's appointment should not be affected by transfer of the case to another court unless the receiving court terminates the appointment ( Home Office Circular 48/1991 , para 50 ) .
10 He stressed that water quality should not be affected .
11 Supermarket food prices may not be affected .
12 Near vision may not be affected but distance vision will be reduced , possibly severely .
13 Existing members of pension schemes set up prior to the 1989 Budget or who joined established schemes before 1 June 1989 may not be affected by the rule and may be entitled to a higher tax-free lump sum .
14 The League 's attitude reflected the traditional belief that the ordinary citizen need not be affected by war .
15 He said computer networks would not be affected and copies of information should be made on floppy discs .
16 A spokesman for Shearson said UK staff would not be affected and the group is not withdrawing from any area of business .
17 Existing homes would not be affected .
18 By showing in what circumstances a firm 's value would not be affected , Messrs Modigliani and Miller provided clues for the circumstances in which it might be .
19 He guaranteed that Sunday 's Rumbelows Cup final between Manchester United and Nottingham Forest at Wembley and the FA Cup semi-final replay between Liverpool and Portsmouth next Monday would not be affected .
20 The Archbishop of York said that Charles 's position of Supreme Governor of the Church of England would not be affected by the breakdown of his marriage — not even if he was divorced .
21 Her Civil List payments , which have been fixed until the end of the century , would not be affected .
22 The region 's arms purchases and commercial links with the Western states , Japan and the Soviet Union would not be affected .
23 However , any observer who remained outside the black hole would not be affected by this failure of predictability , because neither light nor any other signal could reach him from the singularity .
24 It is simply a mid-point on the range and would not be affected by changes in the minimum wage .
25 On Oct. 2 the Taiwanese Premier , Gen. Hau Pei-tsun , told members of the Legislative Yuan that Taiwan 's " substantive relations " with Singapore would not be affected by Singapore 's establishment of diplomatic ties with China .
26 All support for military equipment purchases , worth some $30,000,000 , was withdrawn and economic aid was reduced by 76 per cent , from $12,500,000 to $3,000,000 ; food aid would not be affected .
27 In his meeting with Anand on Sept. 22 , Chinese Premier Li Peng said that relations between the two countries were very good and had not and would not be affected by domestic changes in the two countries .
28 A spokesman for the Turkish government said that Turkey 's relations with Moscow would not be affected .
29 Should negative feedback inhibition exist in man , however , amylase and lipase would not be affected and would therefore not be affected by compensatory mechanisms in the way that proteases are .
30 But he said the number of jobs created would not be affected as they were not included in the predictions .
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