Example sentences of "[modal v] be laid before " in BNC.

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1 The other Regulations should be laid before Parliament soon , subject to Ministerial approval .
2 It follows from this My Lords that I believe that the Noble Lord , Lord with his well-known moderation and desire to compromise has gone rather too far in meeting Government intentions , but at all events I do ago go along with his proposal that if it is to be done by order , it would be right that the order should be laid before Parliament to make quite sure that justice has been done .
3 It is , however , contemplated , and is the case , that most instruments must be laid before the House for a period of 40 days , offering adequate opportunity for scrutiny .
4 Commonly the statute under which particular rules are made provides that they must be laid before Parliament and , in many cases , approved ( or , at least , not disapproved ) by one or both Houses ; the 1946 Act regulates the procedure for laying .
5 ( b ) Where an order is subject to a negative resolution it must be laid before Parliament ( usually for 40 days ) during which time a member can move a prayer to annul it .
6 Thirdly , under section 241 the statutory accounts must be laid before the company in general meeting ( unless the company is a private one which has elected to dispense with this requirement under section 252 ) .
7 Is it not by now abundantly obvious to everyone that those organisations that remain implacably opposed to Sunday trading will never agree to any compromise solution to the problem that could be laid before the House and command widespread support ?
8 Before fifteen days are over , if it please God , those tambours shall be laid before you , and shall be sounded for your pleasure , and then they shall be given to the Bishop Don Hieronymo , that he may hang them up in the Church of St. Mary , Mother of God .
9 An annual report will be presented to the Lord Chancellor and will be laid before Parliament .
10 ‘ If you lie , ’ Benjamin snapped , ‘ these matters will be laid before the King 's Council in London . ’
11 Members of the House of Commons Estimates for the Public Service will be laid before you .
12 Other measures will be laid before you .
13 I hope that my right hon. Friends will consider finding time for such legislation when they penetrate the meaning of that wonderful phrase , ’ Further measures will be laid before you . ’
14 To speak to oneself is to speak without constraint , to draft a minute which will be laid before a minister who will never read it .
15 British Rail are to remain the employer of the British Transport Police for the immediate future , in order to ensure that the British Transport Police will continue to police the whole of the restructured railway er a an order amending the British Transport Police Force Scheme in nineteen sixty three will be laid before Parliament shortly .
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