Example sentences of "[modal v] be attached [prep] " in BNC.

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31 He was at once promoted to lance-corporal but although Travis [ Commander Edward Travis who was chief administrator at B.P. ] tried for the next six months to find a suitable military unit to which Harold could be attached as an officer , he had no luck .
32 Secondly , I would like to install a tachometer , is there anyone who can supply me with an add on unit that could be attached to the Lucas A127 series alternator ?
33 Dr Winnifred Cutler , director of the Athena Institute for Women 's Wellness in Philadelphia , discovered that if male pheromones could be attached to women who were n't having regular sex ( by extracting them from men and taping them to women 's upper lips ) then this worked to regulate periods almost as well as regular sex .
34 Pemberton-Billing 's invention comprised an add-on governor mechanism which could be attached to a clockwork turntable to give this effect ( 49 ) , and a few dozen records were made which more than doubled the average playing-time .
35 Weir quickly got wind of the plan to remove him and discussed the matter with the bailie , James Graham , and the latter had to agree that there was no blame which could be attached to Weir 's conduct beyond his recent irregular attendance , but it was hardly possible for a court to function without a prosecutor , and although Weir was going to have to go , James Graham insisted that ‘ it should be done in the most decent manner and almost with his own consent ’ .
36 Long & agrell ( 1965 ) and Sippel & glover ( 1965 ) both published descriptions of such a device , which could be attached to a petrographic microscope for examination of thin sections .
37 While stamp duties of various kinds played a useful role in wartime , especially when they could be attached to particular loans , their total importance was slight .
38 Thus Labour was seen to have inherited " a very difficult [ economic ] problem " in 1964 , whatever degree of guilt could be attached to its own mismanagement and doctrinaire behaviour .
39 Which could be attached to passenger trains , and the er the actual er gentleman 's carriage , er horse-drawn carriage , could be loaded onto this flat truck , and er the er would be transported to be available er at his destin in his or her destination .
40 This was essentially to be a rotating mast mounted upon a tank , which could be driven to the centre of a large field , and with the mast lowered the aeroplane could be attached with a cable .
41 Numerous conditions may be attached to the donor 's disbursement of funds , such as the allocation of manpower to the project , or a change in pricing policy .
42 The hoist is rather like a ski-chair with a bar in front of the patient , and may be attached to the side of the bath .
43 However , conditions may be attached to any site licence which may have the effect of preventing any odour pollution from arising .
44 When both work , similar feelings may be attached to other wives .
45 Currently in a six month appointment a house officer may be attached to one team of consultants for three months and then change to a second team .
46 Conditions may be attached to the bestowal of rights on third parties ; onerous conditions could , in the opinion of a third party , transform such a right into an obligation .
47 More than one strip may be attached to the column if the shielding needs to be extended in directions other than anteriorly of the column .
48 ( 1 ) Without prejudice to its other powers under this Act , a licensing board may make byelaws for any of the following purposes ( a ) for closing licensed premises wholly or partially on New Year 's Day , and on such other days not being more than four in any one year as the board may think expedient for special reasons ; ( b ) for prohibiting holders of licences from residing in their licensed premises , or for requiring the dwellinghouses of holders of licences to be separate from their licensed premises ; ( c ) for requiring all wines , made-wines and spirits sold by the holder of an off-sale licence to be sold in corked , stoppered or sealed vessels , cans , jars or casks ; ( d ) for requiring every holder of a hotel or public house licence to keep in his licensed premises and to renew from day to day a sufficient supply of drinking water , and such eatables as may be specified in the byelaw , and to display , offer and supply the same as may be required by the byelaw ; ( e ) for printing a list of all applications coming before any meeting of the licensing board , with such other information as may be considered necessary by the board ; ( f ) for the setting out of conditions which may be attached to licences for the improvement of standards of , and conduct in , licensed premises ; ( g ) for the granting of a licence of a type other than that applied for ; Provided that a byelaw made under paragraph ( c ) above shall not apply to licensed premises where no groceries are kept or sold and where a bona fide wholesale business in alcoholic liquor is carried on .
49 They may be attached to a particular school for a single day or even part of a day , or for a substantially longer period .
50 Section 33 explains the effect of care orders and s35 and Sched 3 , Parts I and II set out the duties of a supervisor and the requirements which may be attached to supervision orders .
51 The same procedure should be followed in the case of other searches , the Schedules that may be attached to the official Certificate of Search , and also answers to your preliminary enquiries and requisitions on title made of the seller .
52 Annotations or labels may be attached to the clones and probes .
53 Well it 's impossible at the moment , with the media coverage and the erm information about war and the situation in the Gulf , not to touch children , however careful the adults around them may be , and it 's very important for us as adults to not be so caught up , in our excitement perhaps even , about what 's going on and all the razzmatazz that may be attached to the sort of glory of whose ever side they may be on that we forget the extent to which children are very much affected by how they see the adults around them respond to what 's going on .
54 Efforts to secure a ceasefire have so far failed to halt the clashes , which began when Serb nationalists launched an offensive to carve out a separate state which would be attached to a truncated Yugoslavia after Bosnia won international recognition .
55 Finally the iron pin would be attached to the hinge fitting , pointed at the catch-plate and coiled at the other end to form a spring hinge .
56 The can , with engines fixed to its rear-end , would be attached to the shuttle 's big external fuel tank at the point where the winged orbiter normally sits .
57 One is the absence of a shield , which would be attached to the helmet to protect the chin and throat .
58 Political officers would be attached to units who worked in close co-operation with line officers .
59 If a patient was sent for an X-ray , the cost would be attached to the department , giving clinicians information on the cost of their work .
60 To this view in recent years has been added the opinion that great benefits would be attached to stabilising Britain 's currency by linking it to the Deutschmark .
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