Example sentences of "[modal v] apply [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In consequence some patients who should apply for discharge will not , while others who should not will apply inappropriately and be subjected to the rigours of the adversarial process without proper preparation .
2 Because of the ‘ unconvincing nature ’ of the compromise , he could not make up his mind whether he should apply for membership .
3 At the congress Carlsson declared that the emergence of a new security system in Europe based on the 1975 Helsinki accords meant that Sweden 's neutrality no longer " bore the same heavy burden " , and the party began to come round to the view of both industry and the two major opposition parties ( M and Fp ) that Sweden should apply for membership of the European Communities ( EC , which it did in July 1991 — see p. 38353 ) .
4 All prospective students , including those who hold only conditional offers , should apply for accommodation as early as possible .
5 All prospective students including those who hold only conditional offers , or offers accepted on an ‘ insurance ’ basis , should apply for accommodation as early as possible .
6 In the event that a person previously expelled should apply for readmission and fulfil the basic admission criteria , it shall be for the Council , on the advice of the Board of Fellow , at its next meeting to decide whether the applicant may be readmitted and on what terms .
7 Hoccleve should apply to prince Henry for patronage and protection , using his talents as a scribe and making a translation on the duties of a prince .
8 Amongst its duties would be the setting up of an environmental Geneva Convention — to decide how environmental regulations should apply in wartime .
9 The plaintiffs argue that the same principle should apply in favour of making an order that the defendant should deliver up such property on the basis that such an order is not an order for discovery and that the authorities relating to discovery have no application .
10 Applicants should apply in person only at the Carlton Highland between 2.30pm and 8pm and ask for Mark Linnane in Training Room 329 .
11 Whilst this will allow a degree of variation in applying the Partial Indemnity Clause , nevertheless it is the intention that the Clause should apply in respect of a ) risks underwritten at non-schedule rates , or b ) if at schedule rates solely on account of experience or c ) where the main features of the risk is the number of vehicles rather than the related experience .
12 Although all the reported decisions refer to article 10 , I conceive that the same arguments mutatis mutandis must apply to article 19 .
13 ( b ) Means tested legal aid Those entitled to legal aid subject to a means test only must apply on form CLA 5 but are not required to complete page 5 of the form which requires a full statement of their case .
14 And this is of course , as if I agree with the view that you expressed yesterday in a general context , although it was made specifically then in relation to one village , any recommendation I make in relation to that village , if it is based on the general principle , must apply by analogy also to Skelton , and I would have little choice but to recommend to the councils that they may wish or indeed they should , reconsider this question of washing-over or insetting elsewhere .
15 Mr Coombes is n't at home but says if there 's a technical breach he 'll apply for permission .
16 While he estimated that up to 600 prisoners might apply for release , the ANC maintained that the number was over 3,000 .
17 Yes , Anna might apply for interview .
18 The same might apply in reverse , of course , and the enemy army 's arousal not be heard from here .
19 Somewhere there would be a tutor waiting to see him — some easy-going , amiable man , not old , but a few years older than himself , with whom he could drink sherry on slightly deferential terms , and to whom he could apply for permission to hold parties , keep a car , and ride to hounds .
20 He and my hon. Friend the Member for Beaconsfield posed the best question of the debate when they asked whether it could apply to rail .
21 Unfortunately none of the five provide us with the expected objective measure of pain which we could apply with confidence to adults or to babies or to animals .
22 The CBI table highlights the fact that local laws may apply to merger proposals , not only on competition grounds but also on other grounds , for example where it is deemed to be in the national interest to prevent foreign control in certain sectors such as maritime and air transport , banking and insurance .
23 Sub-tenants may , of course , suffer if a head lease is forfeited for a breach of covenant by the tenant , however , they may apply for relief under s. 146(4) ( see above ) .
24 Any party to the proceedings and any person named in the direction may apply for variation ( s38(8) ( b ) and FPCR , r2(1) ) .
25 In addition , any person with whom the child is living may apply for variation of any requirement in the order which affects him ( s39(3) ) .
26 Variation and discharge The following may apply for variation or discharge of a s8 order : ( i ) anyone entitled to apply for an order under a s8 order without seeking leave ( see above ) ; ( ii ) the person who applied for the original order ; or ( iii ) in the case of a contact order , the person named in the order .
27 Similar considerations may apply for share valuations carried out to resolve inter-shareholder disputes .
28 The 1938 Act was repealed and replaced by the Inheritance ( provision for Family and Dependants ) Act 1975 , which increases the range of dependants who may apply for provision on death and gives the court wider powers than previously existed so that it can make whatever type of order may be most appropriate in the circumstances .
29 An applicant may apply for admission from 1 January , 1 April , 1 July or 1 October in any year .
30 Persons of at least 21 years of age at the date of entry to a course who have useful experience to bring to university studies but who do not satisfy the entry requirements may apply for admission to an undergraduate course .
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