Example sentences of "[modal v] probably have [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well — er from yes — er , on that subject — I think you should probably have a mammography . ’
2 If someone is shielding her then she 'll probably have a bed for the night . ’
3 Erm you 'll have sine you 'll probably have a triangle with A B C marked on it .
4 Now , the e the early versions were erm a lot less er flexible , they were the dinosaurs , and if anybody 's got an original P E P , they 'll know that all the dealing transactions , all the adjustments have all got to be noted and filed , and if anybody 's had a Lloyds Bank P E P since nineteen eighty seven , they 'll probably have a compete cabinet full of paperwork by now .
5 ‘ Of course not ! ’ she replied , and even found a cheerful note from somewhere to add lightly , ‘ I ate a huge meal at lunchtime , so I 'll probably have a snack sent up , ’ and , making for her room before her emotions tripped her up , ‘ You 've been more than kind as it is .
6 I 'll probably have a stroll round there just to get a tracksuit for , when Michael was
7 So I said erm if we say increase to five pounds now , they do n't have to , but it means that they 'll probably have a significant unit holding , you know , to compensate them .
8 It 's like , with Sharon Stone , even at the end she was still dependent on Michael Douglas , like , when he was going she was crying and she could n't kill him at the end cos she loved him so much and , you know what I mean , so no , Body of Evidence , it 'll probably have a rubbish end and she 'll probably marry the lawyer or something , but it was still good to see her beat , tying a man up , putting candle wax on him and shit .
9 Whereas you do n't have that , you 'll probably have the careers officers walking in when your E Os are having a cup of coffee and they think , well they do sod all .
10 They 'd probably have a row about it .
11 We 'd heard he had thirty billion pounds to spend on tanks and things and we reckoned that when he left he 'd probably have a little bit left over for a tip .
12 Erm I if I was talking to an audience in the United States , you 'd probably have a somewhat different approach cos over there they seem to throw their desktop devices away every two or three years and replace them with brand new technology .
13 Since she hardly ever drank , she 'd probably have a hangover to contend with on top of everything else come morning , but frankly it would be a relief to have something else to think about other than Adam .
14 ‘ Of course with your looks you 'd probably have a marvellous time .
15 They 'd probably have a fifty thousand pound mortgage to pay off the the existing mortgage on that one and the balance .
16 It 's probably erm , yeah I think you 'd probably have a shot at your yellow .
17 It 's probably erm , yeah I think you 'd probably have a shot at your yellow .
18 If I 'd come when you first asked me , I might have been in Saracen for an entire month : I 'd probably have no job to come back to . ’
19 She 'd probably have the bad taste to put him in one of her cynical , satirical stories .
20 I said he 'd probably have the curtains drawn and the place would smell of joss-sticks , but if she behaved as if nothing was out of the ordinary , all would be fine .
21 Botswana is just one country whose only daily paper is owned and run by the government , without whose assistance it would probably have no national paper at all .
22 ‘ In another location I would probably have a full dining room every night , but that is only a part of what is important to me .
23 Nowadays , I would probably have a complete reverse opinion and say , ‘ Well done , David ’ , but in those days I honestly did n't care .
24 I told her I thought The Times would probably have a man on the spot and it was late , and I prised my Toshiba away from her grasping hands .
25 ‘ Then we would probably have a mandatory defence , which we would not duck , and then come back for a third defence against Bruno . ’
26 Were one to create a mouse the size of a moose , that mouse would probably have a folded neocortex if its cortex had increased in proportion to the increase in its body size .
27 ‘ Very often , at Ealing , the Director himself would think up ideas for films and would probably have a lot to do with the genesis of the scripts as well . ’
28 That statement was not , in my view , ever intended to acknowledge the existence of any wider discretion than to exclude ( 1 ) admissible evidence which would probably have a prejudicial influence upon the minds of the jury that would be out of proportion to its true evidential value ; and ( 2 ) evidence tantamount to a self-incriminatory admission which was obtained from the defendant , after the offence had been committed , by means which would justify a judge in excluding an actual confession which had the like self-incriminating effect .
29 Er I do n't know shorthand but I thought y somebody who did know shorthand would probably have a less hard time than I do writing down notes .
30 Mitch would probably have a fainting fit .
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