Example sentences of "[modal v] give the impression " in BNC.

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1 The first big solo of the Brahms B flat should give the impression , hopefully , of surmounted effort , but later on there are passages of the greatest intricacy that should emerge light as a feather .
2 I do n't think , though , that we should give the impression
3 I do n't think though we should give the impression that most of the behaviour we 're calling sexual harassment takes the form of behaviour that
4 ( ii ) Pupils should consider the notion of appropriateness to situation , topic , purpose and language mode and the fact that inappropriate language use can be a source of humour ( either intentional or unintentional ) or may give the impression that the speaker or writer is pompous or inept or impertinent or rude .
5 If you wear the same thing twice in the same situation you may give the impression that you have one safe set of clothes and that you are only immaculately turned out when relying on that one safe outfit .
6 The above discussion may give the impression that this is a predominantly quantitative study .
7 Or they may give the impression that they are not quite sure if you are the right candidate , i.e. they have not done their homework .
8 He ( or she ) needs to realize that considerable analysis needs to be conducted in order to form sound judgements of cash flows and underlying uncertainties for large projects , and that too ready a move into discounted cash flow ( DCF ) calculations may give the impression of sophisticated analysis which disguises the inadequacy of the underlying assumptions .
9 These overall Course considerations may give the impression of a system that is inflexible and resistant to change .
10 He explained payments in eight monthly instalments may give the impression that tenants were paying more but it covered the full year .
11 They may give the impression of being lazy but founder member Iain Harvie says it 's more due to craftsmanship .
12 The freedom with which the epithet ‘ senile ’ is attributed to the old , but especially old ladies , might give the impression that the disease is virtually universal among all those over 65 .
13 Some aspects of Kuhn 's writings might give the impression that his account of the nature of science is a purely descriptive one , that is , that he aims to do nothing more than to describe scientific theories or paradigms and the activity of scientists .
14 ‘ Encyclopaedia ’ might give the impression of the usual rag-bag of independently-written articles stitched together in alphabetical order .
15 Face to face he could give the impression of being a rather mild , good natured , even compassionate man .
16 Characters ought to wear masks ; the ones wearing old masks ought to give the impression of being young persons ( as actors ) and vice versa .
17 Could one have a series of daguerrotypes which would give the impression of movement ?
18 Spell correctly any names or titles used in an advertisement or you will give the impression that you are careless and slipshod ( if you are a weak speller get someone to check the letter over for you ) .
19 failure to do so will give the impression that you have not taken much trouble with your application and may be careless in the future .
20 After the initial whisky or gin and tonic move on to plain ginger ale or tonic water with ice and lemon which will give the impression , if necessary , that you are still drinking the real thing .
21 This will give the impression of a higher cheekbone .
22 ‘ Anything , anything that will give the impression that you can think .
23 Operating in clustered environments , TNC will give the impression that an application , distributed around the cluster , is functioning as a single entity and will assign request calls to the most suitable processor without the user being aware of the destination .
24 It is sufficient to make one or two fine lines here and there , or the occasional mark which will give the impression of shrouds , chainplates , spreaders , navigation lights and mooring lines .
25 We 've only managed to reconstruct about thirty seconds of it , but this at any rate will give the impression of the way it was . ’
26 This can give the impression of a simple evolutionary tree : single cells to many cells , shellfish to fish , and then land vertebrates .
27 We know that for people who can already read , the first sight of a foreign script can give the impression that all the words look alike .
28 Apart from the obvious question of space ( where on earth do you put the new material-in the margin ? in between the lines ? on a separate sheet ? rewrite the whole page ? how many times ? ! ) there is the more serious problem that linear notes can give the impression of being comprehensive and exhaustive .
29 Here we can just note that limitations of expression and vocabulary can give the impression of naivety , just as sophistication in language can hide naivety in thought .
30 The presence of an antithetic fault on the hanging wall margin can give the impression of a symmetric rift valley if it is exposed and forms an escarpment , even though the overall structure is asymmetric .
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