Example sentences of "[modal v] have [vb pp] considerable " in BNC.

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1 Lear must have received considerable encouragement from the Fellows of the Zoological Society , just as Gould had after him ; not to mention the contacts necessary to recruit his 175 subscribers .
2 The Mesopotamian Jews were still united to the Palestinian Jews by a common language , though the Aramaic spoken by Palestinian Jews must have presented considerable differences from the Aramaic spoken by Mesopotamian Jews .
3 The height of these first forests must have caused considerable problems for the animal inhabitants .
4 Nor can one tell the normal value of a mine , although some must have given considerable yields — Wolsey , as bishop of Durham , let out one at a rent of £180 a year ( 82 , pp.164–5 ) .
5 ‘ Bank robbery is a very serious crime and he must have known considerable violence would be involved as he provided the sledge hammer , ’ said Judge Hart .
6 The furniture and furnishings may be wholly unsuitable ; partitions and fire doors may have caused considerable damage — but the houses themselves remain , in architectural terms , of the highest importance .
7 The bishops may have enjoyed considerable temporal authority but their role in Chichester and the diocese itself was restrained considerably by the complex overlap of local jurisdictions which medieval society developed .
8 It will be argued that such factors may have had considerable influence on what are widely believed to have been exclusively ‘ political ’ decisions .
9 On the other hand , policymaking is relatively less complex at the local level , and in many authorities a committee chairman may have acquired considerable specialist knowledge by holding the chairmanship — or serving on the committee concerned-for many years .
10 These solutions implied considerable redevelopment in the central , older parts , but it remained unclear as to just what form of renewal was to be adopted either in land use or visual terms , Town planning as an art form may have taken considerable strides in suburban or garden city situations .
11 There can be little doubt that a prosecution under that Act at the relevant date , or its use to secure a civil injunction , would have aroused considerable public indignation .
12 Another factor was raised in a case in which the government did not properly consult local authorities ( as required by statute ) before making some regulations : by the time the application to revoke the regulations was heard , they had been in operation for some time and to revoke them would have caused considerable administrative inconvenience which could not be justified given that no real complaint was made about the substance of the regulations .
13 To do so would have entailed considerable embarrassment .
14 Controlling the aircraft in moderate turbulent thermal activity , combined with out-of-trim forces brought about by asymmetric wingtip incidences , would have demanded considerable physical activity .
15 After these three had given their approval , it would have demanded considerable determination to have put forward an alternative nomination .
16 But the Chancellor would have drawn considerable heart for his important speech .
17 Despite the small scale of production the craftsmen would have needed considerable knowledge and skill to accumulate the equipment and materials to produce these brooches .
18 Such a decision would have had considerable economic and political consequences as the plant employed 6,000 workers in a state where unemployment was already high , at 6.3 per cent .
19 Had the war ended with the collapse of Madrid in November 1936 , the Nationalists would have had considerable difficulty in improvising the governmental and administrative apparatus necessary to sustain a new regime .
20 The preparation of the foundations and the timbers alone would have required considerable time and although C12 is the largest building excavated at the site , the effort required to build many of the others would not have been much less .
21 Many parents will have experienced considerable anxiety prior to the assessment because of the uncertainty of suspecting that there is something wrong with their child but not knowing what .
22 Papers published in other journals which have no such limitation may contain many more references , some of which will have had considerable influence on the authors , and others whose influence is slight .
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