Example sentences of "[modal v] be [adj] opportunity " in BNC.

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1 Inbuilt grant resources for dissemination need to be sought , time must be allowed for lay versions of research to be written as well as academically respectable reports , and there should be greater opportunities for co-operation with policy makers and practitioners in discussions concerning implications of research .
2 Amongst the points in discussion were that there should be more opportunity for visitors to visit smaller areas outside the cities and main towns .
3 For lone parents who want to earn their own living there should be more opportunities to work , full time or part time ; better wages for women ; and better child care arrangements .
4 There must be many opportunities for user-friendly GIS to be employed in these kinds of scenarios , either as special-purpose systems or by employing proprietary GIS packages with easy-to-use macros .
5 Eventually , after appealing her case for years in the UK , she took it to the European Court which agreed that there must be equal opportunities to claim social security benefits , and that discrimination on the grounds of either sex or marital status must end .
6 Moreover , even the definition ‘ equal opportunity ’ without qualification is insufficient : it could be equal opportunity to fail or succeed according to their innate capacity and backgrounds .
7 Leila did n't have the heart to tell him she doubted whether there 'd be much opportunity for him ever to do that , at least while he was helping her with Ari .
8 I hope that there may be other opportunities for the hon. Gentleman to raise this matter this week .
9 There may be numerous opportunities for health teaching in the course of a nurse/patient relationship ; on the other hand , the patient/client may be coping adequately , and therein lies a skilled nursing judgement knowing when to withdraw .
10 There may be few opportunities for entertainment other than within the home .
11 ( In realistic terms , there may be less opportunity for the use of counselling techniques during a brief hospital stay . )
12 It would take place in a different context , nevertheless there would be that opportunity and no doubt the adequacy of a public consultation exercise at the proposed modification stage would be a matter for the County Council themselves to decide .
13 Not so long ago , if any such points of ambiguity arose regarding one 's duties , one had the comfort of knowing that before long some fellow professional whose opinion one respected would be accompanying their employer to the house , and there would be ample opportunity to discuss the matter .
14 With a central , unified system of negotiations there would be greater opportunity to reduce the wage ‘ spread ’ between industries , not least because then no bargaining group would be relatively disadvantaged for having settled in advance of the others .
15 I shall resist the temptation to say all sorts of nice things about you at this point , because there would be other opportunities obviously .
16 It just occurred to me that Tuesday would be another opportunity to talk to Julian , the guy who comes in and does the S U legal aid stuff .
17 But enquiries from two missionary friends already recruited as Kachin advisers made me realise that there would be little opportunity to influence policy and relationships .
18 I doubt whether there will be much opportunity for sight-seeing here , but I might manage a trip to Sao Paulo or to Rio , or to the beach , which is about 60 miles away , I think .
19 So there will be ample opportunity for every hon. Member to consider in detail what the agreements into which we have entered would commit the country to .
20 Only animals born within the Primestock membership will be eligible for sale through the system but the co-op will be developing opportunities for the sale of breeding and store stock between members and offering the advantages of a group-buying programme .
21 I know that the Consolidated Fund Bill allows for only a short debate , but there will be other opportunities for raising the matter , including tomorrow .
22 When my hon. Friend has a chance to read the full details , he will see that , although there is an amalgamation of regiments , other units will be moving into Wales and there will be new opportunities for serving in Wales .
23 In any society , as long as objective classes remain , there will be different opportunities and experiences available to different classes , and these will be sufficient to produce differing ideas and behaviour .
24 There will be considerable opportunity in this kind of shared activity to talk with the children as they play and for the teacher to discuss the mathematical ideas involved .
25 We will be expanding opportunities by promoting existing tennis resources around the world and improving communications between members so an extensive and thriving network is created . ’
26 Under his leadership there can be new opportunities for that organisation .
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