Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] take it " in BNC.

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1 The idea of taxing what most people regard as their birthright , fresh air , is startling , but perhaps Tolba is right : we should not take it for granted .
2 It is n't prescribed for people under 19 or over 65 , and you should not take it if you have heart trouble , particularly angina .
3 A reminder that he should not take it for granted that he would in time succeed to England , Normandy and Anjou ?
4 Often there is no such work to be had , but if there is , the asylum seekers should not take it at the expense of people already here .
5 Following the despondent Seb outside the room when he eventually left , Carrie said , ‘ You must n't take it too much to heart , Seb .
6 No , you must n't take it over
7 You ge yo you must n't take it over er , three and a half things or eighty miles an hour
8 ‘ You should n't take it so seriously …
9 Cloakroom , restroom , powder room , lavatory , toilet , ladies ' , WC , the little girls ' room ; whatever you call them , public loos for women are a disgrace , say campaigners , and we should n't take it sitting down any longer .
10 Mr Broadhurst gave me to understand that this was merely another advance , another introductory offer , and that I should n't take it , or myself , too seriously .
11 ‘ I 'm sorry , I 'm on edge , but I should n't take it out on you — you ca n't be exactly jumping for joy at the thought of seeing Garry with another woman . ’
12 Whenever there was any adversity with the law there was this not quite convincing idea put about that this is the way that society works and we should n't take it too seriously .
13 I only pray heaven she may not take it into her head to run away while I am out of reach ! ’
14 I said look Neil you can drive , but let's not let's not take it that I 'm saying that you must drive let's go into the question of why you 're making a mess of it at this time and we , oh honestly Brenda if I 've got black circles under my eyes do not be surprised because , of course , this all goes back to his absolutely , appallingly , stupid mother !
15 But this — the group decision to put make-believe before reality — he could not take it in .
16 The Cleveland firm which installed the panelling for a drugs trial could not take it down until today at the earliest .
17 She could not take it in .
18 Over the years , Anne had put up with an awful lot from me and she had now finally decided she could n't take it any more .
19 He just could n't take it .
20 I 'd had enough ; I could n't take it any more .
21 I could n't take it .
22 ‘ I could n't take it seriously at first because it seemed so ridiculous , but then you look in the statute book and realise the maximum penalty for this is seven years .
23 And when Huston attacked Monty , not physically but verbally , I could n't take it .
24 It 's just that I could n't take it .
25 Mrs Cann , 25 , who quit her job at the Unilift forklift company in Rumney , Cardiff , after two years , said : ‘ I could n't take it any more .
26 So since his old fella died and he could n't take it out on him , he 's taken it out on his young missis and the young ‘ uns . ’
27 But she just could n't take it when I started pulling ahead .
28 Instead she had leant even more on him and he just could n't take it , so had chosen the easy way out .
29 The debt counsellor said that as long as I paid all the money I was getting from Social Security for the house , they could n't take it away from us .
30 The girl would n't , could n't take it well .
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