Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [adv] upon " in BNC.

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1 Rigorously , the probability for a word to be produced should depend conditionally upon the whole of the previous word sequence .
2 However , under the terms of Protection From Eviction Act 1977 the landlord must enter peacefully upon the land and may not use the right of re-entry at all if the premises are used for residential purposes .
3 Foundationalism , viewed quite generally ( though here we must exclude Wittgenstein ) , can be seen as the expression of the empiricist thought that verification and justification , telling whether something is true and backing up one 's claims about what is true , must rely eventually upon the evidence of one 's senses ; not in the first instance , maybe , but at the end of the day .
4 The point is that almost any configuration of events with which an individual is likely to be associated in public carries the risk of a worst possible meaning which might reflect unfavourably upon him , and it is a sign of intact mental functioning that one recognises this risk , without of course being incapacitated by the thought , and at the same time that one is equipped to perform repair work if and when infractions occur .
5 A study of bibliographic classification could concentrate solely upon the major and some of the more minor bibliographic classification schemes used today .
6 It is a principle of limited government based on the ideas that what was required was ‘ a properly equilibrated political system in which power was checked by power in such a way that neither the violent urges of kings , nor the arbitrariness of legislatures could impinge directly upon the individual ’ .
7 The criminal law may depend less upon one monolithic principle and more upon a synthesis of conflicting principles .
8 First , when governments want to make relatively large adjustments in their budgetary positions they may rely more upon changes in taxation than changes in public expenditures .
9 This was given practical effect through the Court 's warning that in implementing the duty of non-recognition , States should not refuse to apply multilateral treaties where the adverse consequences of non-performance would fall directly upon the people .
10 The workers ' control of industry would follow naturally upon the realisation of their industrial and political power .
11 Just how extensive a lord 's rights would be in these circumstances would depend partly upon local custom and partly upon the relative power of lord and vassal .
12 His fate would depend entirely upon her mood , which he knew from experience could shift and change in the winking of an eye .
13 For example , the right to work would depend solely upon individual ability to do the job ; the renewal of an annual driving licence after the age of 70 would have to be replaced by measures which are not triggered simply by people reaching a certain age .
14 Specifically , the rock 's conductivity would depend only upon the amount and conductivity of the carbon fraction present , and have a negligible variation with pressure , as for pure carbon .
15 For this we must rely to a great extent upon Soviet goodwill and if we make difficulty over returning their own nationals it will react adversely upon their willingness to help in restoring to us as soon as possible our own prisoners . "
16 3 ‘ It must also prepare young people for the work they will be called upon to do in the society which exists in Tanzania — a rural society where improvement will depend largely upon the efforts of the people in Agriculture and village development . ’
17 This time will depend largely upon what the person feels and thinks and how they behave .
18 The strength of subsequent recovery will depend largely upon the willingness truly to hand over one 's will and the outcome of one 's life to a non-individual-human God .
19 On the British side there was a string of adverse comments on French performance and attitudes from newspaper correspondents ; although the Daily Telegraph correspondent was not being particularly sensational when he reported on the unnecessary brutality of the French and concluded ‘ The solution of the problem of rule in Indo-China will depend primarily upon French ability to exercise tact and conciliation ’ .
20 In British local government the committee system provides scope for the wider use of elected representatives in an administrator-dominated context , though here such involvement may further undermine representative government since it will depend primarily upon personal characteristics .
21 Fashions in education will come and go , politicians , local and national , will peddle their transitory wares , but the long-term effectiveness of our schools will depend ultimately upon there being sufficient teachers of quality to work in the nation 's classrooms .
22 Now how we answer these questions will depend crucially upon what we think animals to be .
23 The possibilities of repetition and development will depend greatly upon how carefully we conduct our own enquiry , and in particular in how we go about the next step , which is that of collecting our data .
24 Such settlements are regarded as a matter of considerable responsibility for the next friend , solicitors and counsel , and the court will rely heavily upon the latter .
25 I can not think of your offer without equal concern and gratitude ; however , I will rely wholly upon your goodness in assisting my escape .
26 However , it is important not to neglect the style and form of the implementation process itself which will impact directly upon those who receive services and will also determine how scarce resources are allocated .
27 There is one important difference : the Prime Minister and his Cabinet can embark boldly upon their way forward , with electoral considerations banished for a long time to come .
28 The vagueness of novelists is sometimes due to these uncertainties , but they can capitalize imaginatively upon them .
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