Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] call [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'll just call her ‘ gorgeous ’ ’ That earned him a laugh .
2 He was the one that got me pregnant and he says that I ca n't come home at all now and I phoned the hospital , yes , and they said that come in and if I go in then you 're going to arrest me and then you 'll just call my dad like you always have done every time I 've run away from home and then every time you lot have took me back home and then I end up getting pregnant .
3 Much as I would enjoy debating this matter with the hon. Gentleman , whom I might also call my hon. Friend , I do not wish to go down this path .
4 They 're very important , part of her background — of what you might almost call her mythology .
5 What everyone thought was the unveiling of an exciting new model , the Chimaera , turned out to mask something much bigger and potentially more significant — the birth of a new V8 engine , the first that TVR could truly call its own .
6 No Gnat would ever call his glider a kite , especially not when he was wearing his uniform .
7 As part of what he would later call his ‘ quiet revolution ’ , Heath made detailed preparations for a new style of government , business-like , rational and free of Wilsonian gimmickry .
8 Harry would often call his son in New York to tell him how much money the film was making in various cities , while Lillian phoned local LA cinemas to see how long the ticket queues were .
9 The elements of a set we shall sometimes call its members .
10 The semantic aspect is what we would otherwise call its content , and the verbal aspect is Todorov 's term for the language in which the stories are told .
11 Erm I have already referred sir to the investigations which are proceeding with regard to the ability to erm , as it were , encourage er this er amphibian to go to other ponds , and I would again call your attention to the state of the knowledge we have at the present time , which is that that is not possible .
12 You should not let a rift with a subordinate widen to such an extent ; to do so will probably call your managerial qualities into question .
13 Most of these problems are to do with the nature of conversational English , which still suffers badly from our attempts to describe it using models which originate in earlier studies of the written language , and which have been influenced by what I can only call our innate desire for things to be neat and regular .
14 He is happiest on the water , and the Blue Doublet is the one place she can really call her own . ’
15 It is possible that within two or three years the left wing will not have a single executive member it can truly call its own in the constituency section .
16 The young woman feels curiously as though she is only playing at house once more when she goes into the first flat or home that she can truly call her own .
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