Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] be explain " in BNC.

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1 Yet the high-momentum electrons and positrons observed must eventually be explained somehow and it is perhaps worth remarking that it is not new in physics for novel phenomena to be observed when looking for something else .
2 The current status of tax computations should also be explained , as should details of PAYE and VAT audits .
3 The character on stage , for reasons which may possibly be explained by the insertion of a line or two into the script , wears a deaf-aid … ’
4 ( The discrepancy could perhaps be explained if it is assumed that there is also a weak preference to continue with the first-named character . )
5 These contradictory data could perhaps be explained by different viruses having a role in different geographical areas .
6 The irreconcilability of two such extremes in one group of human beings could only be explained as part of the great mystery of human personality .
7 The overall effect is visually complicated and inelegant , and could only be explained by recourse to arcane ritual references , which at this distance of time we have little hope of tracing .
8 The high prices for such things could only be explained by a separate blurb which claimed meat from ‘ English rare breeds ’ and a lot of stuff about natural rearing and hand finishing ( a bonus , I pointed out to my guest , a Texan with special interests in T.S .
9 For Newton there was no satisfactory account of why the planets should orbit the sun in the same direction and in roughly the same plane : This aesthetically pleasing scheme could only be explained by appealing to God 's initial design .
10 The local authority increase in manpower , particularly ancillary and health workers , could largely be explained by such statutory obligations .
11 For most other mutant genes that Stern studied in this way , the abnormality in structure could best be explained by supposing that cells could not respond to the prepattern , rather than that the prepattern itself had changed .
12 As to Hugh , his complete disappearance could best be explained if he were still doggedly pursuing Marian through the deep tangles of the forest ; if he had lost track of her he would presumably find his way back to the highway and rejoin them later .
13 Erratic behaviour , as well as physical illness , could usually be explained by the malignant magic of other tribes , of individuals , or of evil spirits , and could be cured by the observance of the correct social or spiritual mores of tribal life .
14 The ‘ neighbourhood effect ’ could also be explained as the product of repeated association between the different classes in the same locality .
15 It could also be explained as the product of pride — a disdain for integrating himself into any kind of partisan organization .
16 It was their own indolence which had landed them with a murder which could probably be explained and might even have been prevented , if they had taken a bit more trouble .
17 The effect is , therefore , an infernally hard one to spot … and yet Thom found more alignments with standstills than could realistically be explained by chance .
18 His action could simply be explained by ambition : his career in the north had shown that he was a man who liked and understood power .
19 His action could simply be explained by ambition : his career in the north had shown that he was a man who liked and understood power .
20 That would be less controversial , since liability could then be explained in terms of aiding and abetting the breach .
21 It was all most puzzling and distressing , they said , undoubtedly some mysterious accident that could never be explained .
22 This may partly be explained by the geographical circumstances .
23 After 17.00 on weekdays , and on Saturday mornings , mean delivery times show a greater degree of fluctuation than at other periods , and while this may partly be explained in terms of the smallness of the samples from which these mean delivery times were calculated , it seems likely that a major factor was again reduced staffing levels at these periods .
24 However , the house price cycle may also be explained by the changing nature of the demand for housing , which is no longer just for consumption purposes ( ie to provide a roof over one 's head ) , but is also for investment reasons .
25 Rural collectivism is one theme , but the continuity of subordinate loyalty may also be explained by the divergent style of Japanese Confucianism .
26 Altruistic behaviour , for long a puzzle to evolutionists , may now be explained largely in terms of kin selection for the inclusive fitness of individuals .
27 Mr. Gilpin said ‘ picturesque ideas are all cloathed in bodily forms and may often be explained better by a few strokes of the pencil than by a volume of the most laboured description . ’
28 The group 's press officer , Mick Houghton , thought it was Gregory 's departure that he would soon be explaining to the press when suddenly he was told Charman was out .
29 There are other ways of marking it , but it would always be explained at the beginning of a textbook or dictionary which system is used .
30 The question of why islands were deficient in this way ( but not necessarily in the number of genera themselves ) would later be explained in terms of the limited opportunities for migration across ocean barriers .
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