Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] suggest that " in BNC.

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1 A solicitor may properly suggest that his own client makes personal contact with the other side .
2 These two features of the family in industrial society — its relative isolation and the specialization of its functions — may together suggest that the family enjoys a relatively autonomous status in contemporary society .
3 Did you stop to think that there is more than enough going on in Cambodia to make people reflect pretty carefully about participating in the election at all — and that the fact that 4.7m of them registered ( for which they received nothing whatsoever in material terms ) might just suggest that they really would like to exercise the vote ?
4 It might also suggest that if fat people have psychological problems , these may well be a result of the obesity , or at most a contributory factor .
5 One might alternatively suggest that a single standard driving schema exists and deviations from this are the appropriate measure rather than deviations from junction specific expectations .
6 It might even suggest that perhaps Lady Thatcher did , after all , have a point when she despaired of public transport .
7 We saw in Chapter 3 how a number of major morphological features , notably orogenic mountain belts and island arcs , coincide with convergent plate boundaries ; a superficial glance at the Earth 's morphology might even suggest that all significant sub-aerial topographic features are confined to such boundaries .
8 A different approach might aim to show that our perception of ourselves as intentional subjects has not always existed , and might then suggest that it arises as a feature of capitalist ideology .
9 In a relatively focused community such as Ballymacarrett , therefore , we observe much greater regularity in the patterning of the variable elements than we do in less focused communities , and we may further suggest that the variants used in such a focused community develop a clear and consistent pattern in their social functions .
10 Most secondary schools have now reached double figures in their stocks of micros — but only a few years ago the authors of a book ( Howe and Ross , 1981 ) could gently suggest that ‘ we can readily envisage the time when every educational institution in the country will have access to at least one microcomputer ’ .
11 But in 1938 he could only suggest that the manyattas be brought as far as possible under administrative control and the moran ‘ encouraged in any activities to maintain their manliness such as sports , road work , or their lion-hunting with spears ’ .
12 You can make pleas for extra schemes but if you do so I could only suggest that you also accompany it with one that you would rather er is not done , so there are actually replacements rather than additions .
13 Er Chairman I 'm perhaps I could also suggest that we change the word suggested erm because that i i it , perhaps you are looking for something slightly stronger erm er so it could just say in accordance with paragraphs two four to two nine or the points made in paragraph two point
14 No , what she found so overwhelmingly infuriating was that when he had enquired tactfully , some might say , whether she was tired , he clearly had been expecting her to say a polite ‘ yes ’ so that he could then suggest that she had an early night .
15 It may also suggest that older people are more fatalistic about their health .
16 If you have any queries your pharmacist will be pleased to give advice and may also suggest that you visit your dentist .
17 If you have any queries about oral hygiene your Pharmacist will be pleased to give advice and may also suggest that you visit your dentist .
18 We may even suggest that the theory of contracts presents an ideal terrain for an examination of these fundamental issues of political philosophy , for the law of contract lies at the intersection of the market and the state , using the coercive power of the latter to reinforce the discipline of the former .
19 The software company may even suggest that the problems will be overcome if new and more powerful equipment is obtained .
20 One may tentatively suggest that at least one English fabliau version of the tale given by Chaucer to the Shipman stood between a French source and Chaucer .
21 And the reference to an avoidance of theology may well suggest that a separation from the queen of the sciences had already been achieved .
22 No sociological research is likely to produce absolutely clear cut answers ; if it were to come out with all the results 100 per cent in support of some hypothesis it would rather suggest that the hypothesis was hardly worth bothering about in the first place .
23 Now we would humbly suggest that there is something slightly wrong here .
24 Even if the wedding were not Jesus 's own , his presence , as well as his mother 's at such an occasion would patently suggest that they were members of the same social caste .
25 This is more than the change that inner London received , and I think it 's quite unbelievable that York 's population , base population is actually starting of from the figure of er a hundred and three , a hundred and four thousand , and I think York City Council will agree with that in any case , erm , the new major estimates for nineteen ninety two would already suggest that that population 's declined by a further thousand , which I think emphasizes that these major estimates are estimates , and because of the differ the difficulties within the census for nineteen ninety one , with under enumeration , some problems may have occurred .
26 It was in China that the book received a great deal of publicity would generally suggest that in China contrasts with other places where the book did not receive a great deal of publicity .
27 and erm er , we , and that there are various other erm we ways in which the parties should be protected , erm , which I have n't had a chance to look at today clearly the costs of investigating , the proper costs of investigating any structured settlement would have to be dealt with on a later occasion , that it is somehow awarded , instead of protected that the plaintiff gives the defendant notice , seven day 's notice before instructing any account on to advise on the structured settlement , so if the defendant thinks the plaintiff is being wholly unreasonable they can come back to court , quite at liberty to apply and get , make his point of the directions on the therefore within these context these are the sort of orders which , on the behalf of the plaintiff I can see and I would respectively suggest that we go away , draw them up and hand them in toy our Lordship and come back later in the day if we have difficult
28 No one in his right mind would ever suggest that our farmers become nothing but park keepers as a result of surplus food in the world .
29 No one would ever suggest that President Tudjman should be awarded a Nobel prize for the tact and sensitivity with which he asserted Croatian independence .
30 We would always suggest that you supply a copy of the PageMaker document so the bureau can output it via the software if the PostScript file wo n't perform .
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