Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] behind the " in BNC.

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1 As this never happens in real life , many people find themselves assuming the sound must be behind the head .
2 The FBI said white supremacists might be behind the attacks .
3 Livingston said : ‘ I gave that straight to the British doctor in Barcelona because that is the only thing I could even remotely think might be behind the drug result .
4 Mr Chavan did not say who might be behind the alleged conspiracy , but such statements are usually aimed at Pakistan , predominantly-Hindu India 's Islamic neighbour .
5 Mr Chavan did not say who might be behind the alleged conspiracy , but such statements are usually aimed at Pakistan , predominantly-Hindu India 's Islamic neighbour .
6 They believe more than one person could be behind the robbery .
7 It is not the intention in this paper to examine critically the rhetoric and ideology which may be behind the government 's inclusion of these principles within its legislation .
8 The public interest would not perhaps be regarded as well served if a fully qualified solicitor was effectively deprived of the opportunity of practising his profession : this may be behind the Scottish decision of Dallas McMillan & Sinclair v Simpson ( 1988 ) SLT 454 where the covenant purported to prevent the outgoing partner from practising as a solicitor within 20 miles of the centre of Glasgow , an area in which roughly half of Scotland 's law firms were said to be located .
9 If we were knitting , the stitch would be behind the latch and would be knitted off .
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