Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] go to " in BNC.

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1 The last word on the relationship between his literary mode and that of realism may perhaps go to Professor Frank Kermode , who wrote :
2 She remembered thinking , once , in a desperate moment , that she should just go to Matthew and say , I love you .
3 The fact that it will rain tomorrow , for example , may mean that I should not go to London , even though the balance of reasons on the merits of my going ( i.e. all the reasons pro and con but the rain ) suggest that I should go .
4 In general , they should not go to students who have not explored all other reasonable sources of finance .
5 The question of taking pension holidays in between out of surplus is a sort of mid midway position , but er very definitely we feel strongly that money should not go to the company .
6 He said that even if voters did not want to help any candidate , they should still go to the polling station to register their grievances .
7 If you forget your kit you should still go to Goldenacre and report to the member of Staff in charge of your practice .
8 Spain , notoriously bad travellers , must still go to Albania as well as Dublin before finishing off with a potentially decisive home clash with the Danes .
9 The title Duke of Cornwall and the estate to go with it dates back to 1337 , when Edward III created it to give his eldest son , the Black Prince , an income and somewhere to live ; it was he who decreed that it should always go to the eldest son .
10 His employers , confident of his loyalty , tell him that he should always go to lunch to see what the rivals are offering .
11 Well when , that 's what I said to , er Paula people should always go to that village shop because in the long run I know it might cost you more , but the hassle and everything , the only thing is they have n't got the variety
12 Honourable but brief mentions must also go to Annie Lennox and Sinead O'Connor , for their uncompromising attitudes , bravery , outspokenness , passionate commitment to their music and because they prove it 's OK to be strong and to be vulnerable .
13 The names of the five photographers concerned are listed with honour quite separately on the back of the title-page but credit must also go to the printers who reproduced their work ( Fotolito Fotomec , Turin ) .
14 Much credit must also go to the new Congress chief minister , Beant Singh , and his police chief , K.P.S. Gill .
15 Anyone with chest pains should also go to the doctor , especially if the pain goes down the arm .
16 I shall be happy to receive them in any form in which the hon. Gentleman cares to send them — but they should probably go to the independent regulator , as he well knows .
17 These should now go to Cassell , Stanley House , .
18 Orders for books and reports published by Elsevier ‘ s Advanced Technology Division in Oxford should now go to Book Orders Department , Elsevier Advanced Technology , Elsevier/Pergamon Fulfilment ( UK ) , ( ) .
19 ‘ You must n't go to sleep on my shoulder ’ , I objected , ‘ all the world knows you ’ .
20 I must n't go to pieces , she whispered , tomorrow I 'll be brave , and ask Ricky round for a drink .
21 ‘ You must n't go to her , Rain , ’ said Oliver .
22 Today , interest in archaeology is booming , and for that some credit should surely go to Harrison Ford 's popular archaeologist character .
23 You should n't go to other consultants because they 're not as good as us .
24 It should n't go to their heads .
25 I think Mr. Mendez wanted to get him on his way before he had time to change his mind ; before he spent another night staring at the ceiling and counting all the reasons why he should n't go to Contention .
26 Now one of the things that Ronnie Reagan was disappointed to find was that in order really to address his budget deficit , he cut federal aid to the states but he did it er dressed it up in an ideological argument which said you know that the government is too big , government is too intrusive , government should get off the backs of the people , you know , er we should n't go to government to solve our problems , government is the problem , that 's one of the , one of Ronnie 's other memorable phrases .
27 You should n't go to bed too early !
28 He pointed out that the best papers should indeed go to international journals because it is good both for the author and for international medical literature .
29 If they survived , why , Jaq must then go to Earth to seek an audience with the Master of Mankind to ask for guidance .
30 In fact , I would suggest that anybody who has one ounce of individuality should never go to a business school — and I 've said this often at Cranfield and London — because you 're structured by academics who measure you in the science of business .
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