Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] exactly what " in BNC.

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1 Or he may know exactly what he 's doing — and be doing it for reasons his companions know nothing of , his meaning anything but benevolent .
2 Must know exactly what is happening .
3 Going into the studio now , you must know exactly what you want .
4 She realized that he must know exactly what was running through her mind .
5 Everyone concerned should know exactly what they are there for — at this stage it is to define the problems .
6 The piece tests the actor 's awareness and imagination to the full , but nevertheless makes precise demands on him : he must follow exactly what the author says .
7 You should decide exactly what is in them , to suit the circumstances of your own campaign .
8 It proposes simply that Parliament should decide exactly what it intends and explain it clearly .
9 Before detailing the laws , we must decide exactly what we mean by the term " law " .
10 The labels should say exactly what a product contains .
11 The steps are , first , that the judge must decide who should pay costs and on what basis , and , secondly , a ‘ taxing officer ’ must determine exactly what costs are to be paid .
12 Moore 's view would be , I take it , that someone might know exactly what that state of mind was like , either by personal experience or imagination , without recognizing that it was bad , as he could not without taking in all those properties by sharing which another state of mind would be just like it .
13 Until then he 'd been expecting Blagg , and he might know exactly what he 'd left . ’
14 She 'll know exactly what you should do . ’
15 And as you 'll know exactly what you 'll be paying every month , HeadStart 531 is a perfect recipe for planning your budget with confidence .
16 ‘ Some producers will know a Korg M1 inside out and they 'll know exactly what sounds you can get out of the latest Roland synth .
17 But we 'll know exactly what she 's been up to when we get a look at her Jolly Roger . ’
18 If you 've seen any of either of those series , you 'll know exactly what I mean .
19 He looked at the unrolled papers , then drawled nonchalantly , ‘ As you 've already studied them , I presume you 'll know exactly what they are . ’
20 He 'll know exactly what 's been going on and will be only too eager to help us .
21 Once your fiscal flow 's back on course and you have set aside cash to meet household expenses you 'll know exactly what you can afford to lash out on leisure and pleasure .
22 amendment which I hope will financial control which is that the of financial services shall have no discretion to accept claims for the financial year ninety-three ninety-four , submitted after the thirtieth of June nineteen-ninety- four , that effectively means that that two month rule which he does have discretion on he will not have in the case of late claims in this financial year , that means we 'll know exactly what the figures are , by the thirtieth of June .
23 Now , my girl , you 'll do exactly what Mother Benedicta tells you to do , or any other of the Sisters , come to that .
24 4ths are of particular value to guitarists as they are one of the few intervals that consistently sound good with a distorted sound ( try playing thirds with distortion , and you 'll see exactly what I mean ) .
25 Whatever your taste in furnishings — classic , country or contemporary , you 'll find exactly what you want .
26 Or you may see exactly what you would see by looking through the glass at any point .
27 Walter Legge liked to tell the story — I think as an example of both your musicianship and your tactical skills — that at the graduation class in Vienna you chose the Overture to Rossini 's Guillaume Tell and then sent everyone away except the cellos so you could show exactly what you could do with them in the opening bars of the piece .
28 I could do exactly what I want .
29 But , to be honest , Mildred felt that there had been quite enough animal enchantments in the school to last a lifetime , and it seemed a less desperate measure to do a nice , straightforward kidnap where at least you could see exactly what was happening .
30 So the man could calculate exactly what he was earning you know , hour by hour if not day by day and week by week .
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