Example sentences of "[conj] pushed [pron] back " in BNC.

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1 The gun left Rex 's ear , nuzzled into his chest and pushed him back into the studio .
2 Hundreds of riot police then charged repeatedly at scores of Left-wingers and pushed them back from the podium so that President Weizsaecker could begin his speech .
3 He tightened his grip and pushed her back against the door-jamb suddenly .
4 She knelt and pushed everything back into the bin , and shut the lid quickly .
5 She felt cold suddenly , and pushed everything back into the envelope .
6 She spoke brusquely to you and pushed you back against the door of Woolworth 's . ’
7 He dragged a bag out , turned it round and pushed it back in exactly the same position .
8 Deep in thought , she put her fathers letter at the bottom of the box and pushed it back under the bed .
9 In the last second before the knifing pain in her chest forced her to breath in water she found the dangling mouthpiece , and pushed it back between her teeth .
10 Now , as every year , Mary , back to the pews , bottom upended , fumbled in Mrs Ellenby 's old wooden crib and brought out her best and largest doll , smiling , pouting , celluloid , with hard eyes on a metal hinge that clattered open and shut , open and shut as the wavering child righted herself , thrust it up briefly and apologetically before the congregation and pushed it back under the blankets .
11 He slipped the matchbox under the netting and pushed it back as far as it would go .
12 She drew her engagement ring down her fine finger and pushed it back again preparatory to making a move in a game .
13 She reached across quickly and pushed it back and then sat up , shaking her head a little .
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