Example sentences of "[conj] dependent on the " in BNC.

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1 It can be all too easy for a severely visually handicapped pupil to be physically inactive and desk-bound , or dependent on the adult helper .
2 But the argument is too neat , and dependent on the assumption of a desire on the part of filmmakers to express themselves about contemporary realities that was being repressed by the censorship system .
3 Both discrimination learning and concept learning are related to and dependent on the process of perception as described earlier , but both concept and rule learning have a close affinity with language .
4 I agree that most of us need work — but I would point out that it is partly because when you 're unemployed and dependent on the state for support , you do n't have enough money to use your leisure time in the way you might want to .
5 He wants to grasp the nature or the practice of ideology scientifically and characterizes ‘ ideology ’ as whole , unified by its problematic and dependent on the social situation in which it occurs .
6 During the 1870s their sense of being at once indebted to and dependent on the masses generated a highly romanticized image of the simple virtue and integrity of peasant life .
7 The rapid urbanization of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was closely integrated with the agricultural economy , and dependent on the manner in which the fruits of agricultural production were distributed .
8 Some homes are still religious and dependent on the church , some are run by local authorities , and others are a combination of both .
9 The recent legislation with the shift of financial management to institutions will inevitably make things even more uncertain and dependent on the extent to which governors are committed to nurture bilingual development .
10 It is precisely because prisoners are shut away , lacking legal , moral and political respectability , held at the mercy of , and dependent on the goodwill of , the State , that a case can be made for vesting special positive rights in prisoners .
11 The rest of the estate was made up of other bond settlements , each with its own infield/ outfield system and dependent on the caput .
12 These observations supported long standing speculation that vascular insufficiency could be a pathogenic factor , but suggested that vascular and haemodynamic changes were variable and dependent on the stage and pattern of disease .
13 However , activities concerned with the development of income sources ( eg business functions ) , whilst dependent on the administrative services for day-to-day support and information , and overlapping the business activities of some teaching departments , are primarily concerned with the interface between the College and potential income suppliers , eg public and private sector employers , government agencies etc , and the public .
14 In Britain , it has become customary to regard those under statutory school-leaving age , as well as women over 60 years and men over 65 , as dependent on the remainder of the population .
15 In the work of most linguists today , then , speech is not overtly seen as dependent on the rules of written language , while for many the ‘ universalism ’ of some approaches is being closely questioned .
16 Women still seek equal treatment under the social-security provisions , for instance in being allowed to claim benefit as individual persons , and not be treated as dependent on the men they live with .
17 Thus both the content and the form of the new eighteenth-century realist novel can be shown as dependent on the already known facts of the increasing social importance of the commercial bourgeoisie .
18 With the modals , the effect of representing the support in its place in time ( past or non-past ) as receiving the incidence of the potential event is to evoke actualization as dependent on the conditions of possibility , probability , etc. , expressed by the modal .
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