Example sentences of "[conj] led into the " in BNC.

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1 She crossed the footbridge that led into the red and grey brick town .
2 Several times they crossed paths that led into the forest but it was not until another hour had passed and the moon was paling in the light of the false dawn that they were at last among strange scattered rocks like those which strewed the fringe of the forest where they had first entered the Waste .
3 She had reached the top of the narrow wooden stairs that led into the single upper-storey chamber she shared with her mother .
4 The platoon headquarters were in a deserted village surrounded by a native rock and rubble wall 8 to 10 feet ( 3m ) high with only two narrow entrances that led into the village with its three large circular huts , each 30 feet ( 10m ) in diameter with conical roofs about 20 feet ( 7m ) high .
5 He now watched Mick follow Carrie to the door way that led into the scullery , and he found himself also stepping in that direction , until he could take in the whole of the scullery and the open backyard door through which Mr Carver was now passing , saying as he did so , ‘ Ta-rah , then . ’
6 He shook his coat outside and it was carried before him by Stephen Holly along the corridor that led into the backroom where a windowed coke boiler blazed and the coat was draped across a fender .
7 His lordship was standing at the archway that led into the ballroom .
8 The narrow street that led into the town was lined with tall , thin houses painted pale fruit colours — apricot , rasp-berry and greengage .
9 He turned and went down the four steps that led into the long , dark , low-ceilinged dining room , returning a moment later with a book from the shelves .
10 Inside , Ace folded one piece of plastic explosive round the corner that led into the anteroom , and placed the other above the altar .
11 He paused by one of the radiators to warm his hands before approaching the doors that led into the infirmary .
12 A Sturmabteilung opened the door that led into the cabin and Frick walked through , the others following .
13 Before the gates closed again , Adam had seen the gatehouse and guards on the other side , and the tarmac road that led into the woods behind .
14 With that , she whirled round and hurried out of the door that led into the garden .
15 He continued to stand there , watching as she made her way across the conservatory , then through the high arched doorway that led into the sitting-room .
16 ‘ I 'd better get the glucose testing kit , ’ she mumbled as she edged towards the French window that led into the breakfast-room and then along a passage to the suite of rooms used by Faye and Bill .
17 Several hundred yards away , Riessa was in a strange humour as she strode down the worn steps that led into the hollow heart of the Wyrmberg , followed by half a dozen Riders .
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